The popularity of traveling to Spiti Valley is increasing day by day. Now more and more travelers want to know about the best time to visit Spiti Valley or travel on the road to Spiti Valley either via Shimla – Kinnaur or Spiti Valley.

The road to Spiti Valley remains open all around the year through Shimla – Kinnaur while the road from Manali side closes in winter as soon as Rohtang Pass and Kunzum Pass close. So, tourists must know about the right time to travel to Spiti Valley.

Best time to visit Spiti Valley – Month by Month Plan

In this article of the series, “Comprehensive Travel Guide for Spiti Valley”, I will try to share my inputs on the best time or season to travel the road to Spiti Valley or in other words what is the best time to visit Spiti Valley.

When is the best time for Spiti Valley road trip?

We all know that you can travel to Spiti Valley by two routes. One traverses the roads from Delhi via Manali to Kaza, Spiti Valley as Manali – Rohtang Pass – Gramphu – Chattru – Kunzum Pass – Kaza (Spiti Valley). And, then the other one goes from Delhi to Kaza via Shimla – Kinnaur Valley as Shimla – Kinnaur – Nako – Sumdo (Spiti Valley) – Tabo – Kaza.

What is the best time to visit Spiti Valley?
What is the best time to visit Spiti Valley?

Shimla to Kaza Route

The route via Shimla – Kinnaur is also commonly known as Hindustan – Tibet Highway or NH-05. The Hindustan Tibet Road remains open throughout the year via Kinnaur Valley, and you can make a journey to Kaza or Spiti via Shimla – Kinnaur all around the year because there is no high mountain pass that comes on this route which gets heavy snowfall.

It is said to be motorable all around the year; however, traveling to Spiti Valley, especially in the winter months, is not that easy as it reads. The road conditions in winters on the Hindustan – Tibet highway are quite challenging and tough.

Hence, you should avoid traveling to Spiti Valley in winter in case you do not want to try extreme winter cold conditions and live the extreme adventure.

Views between Kaza and Pin Valley
Vistas worth dying for at Pin Valley…

Manali to Kaza Route

Traveling to Spiti Valley via Manali side, by and large, depends first upon the opening of Rohtang Pass and then opening of the route from Gramphu to Kunzum Pass and Kunzum Pass in itself. The snow clearance operations begin in March and continue till May end or June the first half when the road from Manali to Kaza gets open.

This generally takes time and hence, Manali to Kaza route remains closed for almost six-seven months in a year. Rohtang Pass generally opens after April and further, the route to Kaza over Kunzum Pass opens by the second week of June.

So, you have very little time in a year (mid-June to October), in case you are interested in the entire Spiti Valley circuit that is Delhi – Shimla – Kinnaur – Kaza (Spiti Valley) – Kunzum Pass – Rohtang Pass – Manali – Delhi.

But, still, the question is :

When is the best time to visit Spiti Valley?

In the following part of the article, let’s check in detail, how the whole year month-by-month looks like in terms of traveling on the road to Spiti Valley in Himachal Pradesh. After understanding the Spiti Valley weather for these months, you can evaluate which month or season shall work out best for you to plan a Spiti Valley road trip.

Spiti Valley in January – February – March

January, February, and March are called the extreme winter months in Spiti Valley when there is a dense blanket of white snow all around you in Spiti. The road from Manali to Kaza is closed, and most hotels are shut off. You need to rely on limited homestay options in Spiti Valley. Hence, you need to prepare very well for your trip to Spiti in these winter months.

You should not expect much from facilities in Spiti valley in these months. The Spiti Valley temperature in winter can go well below -20 deg C, so you must go well prepared with proper woolen clothing. As snowfall can happen anytime in this period, you should keep buffer days for road closures.

There aren’t any toilets with running water or water available in Spiti Valley in the months from January to March. Hence, you need to use dry pit toilets. You should carry a hand sanitizer with you to best maintain sanitization wherever possible. The food will be pretty basic as available in the homestay. Carry a good temperature rating sleeping bag with you as well to beat the cold in homestays.

Roads within Spiti Valley are open only to an extent. Kaza to Losar is closed, and hence it is not the best time to visit Kunzum Pass because the road is closed. Kaza – Langza – Komic – Hikkim – Kaza road remains also closed during peak these winter months.

January has the least snow while February and March have snow in abundance in comparison to all other months. In my honest opinion, March is one of the best time to enjoy winter Spiti trip.

Do you think this is the best time to visit Spiti Valley?
Do you think this is the best time to visit Spiti Valley?

Spiti Valley in April to May

When the months of April – May come, the snow starts to melt, and some link roads within Spiti Valley start to open up. These roads including the road to Losar from Kaza and the road to Pin Valley towards Mud, the road to Lhalung – Demul, or the roads to Langza – Hikkim – Komic circuits.

The opening of Kunzum Pass and the further road towards Manali from Kunzum Pass takes more time. Generally, Manali to Kaza via Kunzum Pass gets open in June only.

However, overall, as the temperature in Spiti Valley comes into a positive scale in April – May, the conditions in Spiti Valley become bearable. The road journey to Spiti Valley is not that hard this period of April – May. The season for Spiti starts to open in these two months only when adventurists from various parts of the country start planning their trips to Spiti Valley.

Hotels start to come out of hibernation, and things, including fruits/vegetables, start to arrive in Spiti Valley frequently. If you are interested in watching snow-studded peaks or want to play in the snow at Kunzum Pass, then this is the ideal time to be in Spiti Valley.

If you are one of those who wants to feel the deserted roads, low tourist count, OK with basic facilities and OK to take a chance on giving up a place or two as that link road might not have opened then it is OK for you to travel in this window. But, keep in mind that you will not be able to do the complete circuit from Shimla to Kinnaur to Kaza to Manali as the road from Kaza to Rohtang Pass to Manali does not get open.

Heavenly View of Losar Village in May
Heavenly View of Losar Village in May

Spiti Valley in June to July

June – July is the beginning of the actual main season to travel to Spiti Valley when a large number of tourists make their journey over these. The season eventually takes the rapid move as the road to Kaza from Manali over Kunzum Pass also opens by the second week of June. This time would mean that the road to Chandratal from Manali will also open up in June and Chandratal is one of the most popular places to visit in Spiti Valley.

In June – July, mostly all the link roads to various sightseeing places in Spiti or remote villages in Spiti Valley also get open in this period. So, you can plan your visit to Langza, Hikkim, Komic, Demul, Lhalung, Pin Valley – Mudh Village, Gete, and Tashigang villages.

Hotels in Spiti Valley are all also open with full facilities, and there is quite a lot of hustle-bustle of tourists all around in Spiti Valley, especially Kaza town. Even Chandratal lake becomes accessible in June soon after the Kunzum Pass opens.

Well, it is one of the good times to make a road trip to Spiti Valley and a desperate retreat from the HEAT of northern cities of India. There are many water crossings active during this period as the snow melts, so it is always better to reach the destination well in the afternoon to avoid getting stuck either in one of those water crossings or behind it.

Hence, follow my “Leave Early, Sleep Early” principle very strictly. In the recent past, June appears to have good pre-monsoon showers on the way to Spiti Valley, especially in Kinnaur, and even Spiti experiences one or two spells of snow in June as well, not to forget the (June 2013) tragic flash floods in Kinnaur district. So, even the Spiti Valley weather is somehow becoming unpredictable nowadays. However, this is considered one of the better times to travel over the road to Spiti Valley that is Hindustan Tibet Highway.

Glaciers of Spiti as seen on Chandratal Trek
Glaciers of Spiti as seen on Chandratal Trek

Spiti in August

This is the time when the monsoon is in a full flurry in Kinnaur Valley and other parts of Northern India. You MUST understand that Kinnaur is not a place to be in rains with its history of massive landslides and the live landslide zone of Malling Nalla ahead of Nako.

In this period, the roads leading to Spiti Valley are almost in a horrible state as compared to the rest of the year, especially in Kinnaur Valley. In recent years, even the roads from Delhi to Manali have also caused major concerns.

Trip to Spiti Valley in August or Monsoon

Having said all that, it does not mean that it is not a season to travel to Spiti Valley. The Spiti Valley region falls under the Trans Himalayan region which is generally rain shadowed but in recent past rains have started to reach even Spiti though not that much just frequent drizzles and overcast skies. So, generally, this time shall be avoided, if possible. You may only think about it when you have enough buffer days in hand to face intermittent delays or even cancellation of the trip.

Once you reach Spiti Valley, things remain mostly OK. But do not forget that you have to return via either Manali – Kaza or Kaza – Kinnaur again, which DO experience good monsoon rains, especially Rohtang Pass will be in a big mess, and roads to Mandi may be submerged.

Also, keep in mind that August is also the peak time of apple season and crop transportation, which creates a good amount of traffic jams owing to a high number of trucks that ply on the Kinnaur Valley route. If you happen to be there, then do take one or two cartons of golden apples or red apples from Kinnaur 🙂

You should read my tips on traveling to Kinnaur and Spiti Valley in monsoon time.

Slush on roads to Rohtang Pass from Manali
Slush on roads to Rohtang Pass from Manali

Spiti in September to mid-October

This is the time which is my favorite when autumn colors of Spiti are blooming with oranges leaves on the trees enhancing the beauty of magnificent backdrops by many levels. The aqua colors of water in the river add jewels to the pristine beauty all around Spiti Valley.

The Spiti Valley temperature at night and morning is quite cold, in some parts, almost close to 2-3 degrees Celsius. Hence, do carry heavy woolens or thermals at this time of the year with you. You can also get your hands on super delicious Spiti Apples around Tabo or Hurling and even in Kaza at a house of locals. Spiti Valley is famous for its apple. DO NOT miss to taste them or buy them if possible; I am sure you would not have tasted such an apple before 😉 …

If you are a snow lover then you will not like this month as almost all the peaks around you would be naked without any snow on them.

Regarding making the complete circuit, especially after mid of October, yes you can come from the Kinnaur side and go via the Manali side BUT do check the weather updates for few days before making the trip across Kunzum Pass in late October or November when you are at Kaza or Losar.

Kunzum Pass starts getting snowfall by September end and it can be very tricky and risky crossing over it in no man’s land in late October or November. Hence, you need to be very, very sure of the weather, especially in October, when making a move from Kaza to Manali beyond Kunzum Pass. My frank and modest advice will always be to avoid traveling from Manali to Kaza in later October and November.

On the way to Kunzum Pass in Winter months
On the way to Kunzum Pass in Winter months

Spiti Valley in November to December

November – December is generally the winter months in Spiti Valley or at least the beginning of winters. Spiti Valley weather is quite cold during this time, and water starts to freeze in the water pipes. Hence, running water is a luxury at this time of the year.

While traveling to Spiti Valley in November you go through some hardships of ice on the roads, lack of electricity, winter cold conditions with sub-zero temperatures topped with basic facilities as most of the guesthouses get closed.

Kunzum Pass gets closed by November for the next 6-7 months, so one cannot complete the circuit from Shimla – Kinnaur to Manali during this period. You should note that in this winter period, the water in the taps freeze, and people depend on hand pump water at certain places or boiled water in buckets. Kaza especially suffers from a shortage of water in these months and washrooms are big nightmares without tap water.

Do not forget to check what things and clothes to pack for Spiti trip?

Views in Spiti Valley in March Near Kaza
Views in Spiti Valley in March Near Kaza

So, in all this period, life is not that easy. In December, the link roads to various places like Gyu Mummy, Pin Valley – Mudh, Gete, Komik, Langza, Losar ahead of Kaza, etc. in Spiti Valley start getting closed one by one after snowfall starts.

Hence, you can only make a trip up to Kaza on this route, and there is always a chance of closure of roads for a few days if it continues to snow for some time during winters. So, if you are making a road trip to Spiti Valley in winters, be ready for extreme adventure and delays too!! Go very well prepared at this time of the year concerning mental levels, physical levels, and food to carry along with having some buffer days.

You should also check my article on the best time to visit Ladakh if you are planning a trip to Leh Ladakh and Spiti Valley together.

Still confused??

  1. When to visit Spiti Valley?

    Well, the best time to visit Spiti Valley is, September to mid-October, if you love the vivid colors of nature or you are a photographer looking for natural colors or someone who loves to have fewer tourists around yourself but all at the cost of not having any snow around. Otherwise, if you are one of those who loves to see snow up there in Spiti road trip then make the journey to Spiti Valley in the period of Mid-May to June.Autumn colours of Spiti Valley in October


I hope this article will help you decide when to travel to Spiti Valley or Kinnaur Valley. Feel free to ask any queries or share your valuable inputs on the season to travel on the road to Spiti Valley in the comments section below.

I hope you are not looking for any Spiti Valley tour packages. If yes, before committing do check the guides and article on this website before you shell out that money.

Have a travel question?? You can subscribe to my YouTube channel and leave a comment to ask your travel questions about traveling to the Himalayas.

If you know your friends or family are planning a trip to Spiti, do share this article with them to help them make a memorable trip.


I am Dheeraj Sharma - a traveler, techie, and Himalayan lover. Since 2009, I have been helping thousands of travelers every year plan memorable & budget-friendly trips to the Himalayas - Smartly, Safely, and responsibly.


  1. Comments section gets closed in 90 days. To ask your travel questions, you can follow my YouTube Channel for a faster reply or for a much slower reply follow me on Instagram. :)


    Hi Dheeraj ,
    I have gone through your posts and it seems that you have traveled a lot in the spiti and himachal area. i m planning a trip to himachal . i m planning to leave delhi on 6th oct evening and need to come back on 16 oct night or 17th oct early morning. In this whole trip i have to spent 10th of october morning to noon at dalhousie for urgent work .I have seen dalhousie , khajiyar , shimla, dharamshala and chamba a few times , so i m not interested in those places but i need to be in dalhousie on 10th. Now can u plan me a trip which covers spiti / kinnaur/ lahual/ chandratal in between these days. I have gone through many posts but not able to decide how to plan it .As dalhousie is exactly opposite to spiti and i need to be there in middle of my trip that is on 4th day . Is it possible to plan out anything which can solve my purpose?
    It would be great if u can help me out.
    Dr Pritesh

  3. Hi Dheeraj, very well explained n so much information collected from your post.But i need your final verdict on my spiti valley trip.We ppl will be traveling in the last week of feb 19 so what will be your opinion. Thank you in advance.

  4. Hello…
    I am planning to visit spiti in next week(14-19august)
    Is it ok..??means in terms of safety..coming from delhi

    • Nishu, the roads have just opened from Manali side, Kinnaur side the road is still closed. Please keep an eye on weather before planning to travel to Spiti Valley or Kinnaur Valley in monsoon.

  5. Hi Dheeraj
    I along with my 4 friends are planning to visit Spiti from September 15 to 24 doing circuit from shimla side.. my query is:-
    1. shall we be able to see the colors of autumn?
    2. Chances of overcast skies all through the journey?


  6. Hey. Great post this. Thanks for the detailed information.

    Just one question. I am planning to cross the Kunzum pass on the 22nd of September on the way from chandratal to Manali. Is there any possibility of the kunzum pass being closed during that time? Has it even happened in the recent years?

    • Akshay, very unlikely unless it snows heavily during that time which is rare in recent years. Last year the road was opened all the way up to December 😉

  7. udbhav chauhan on

    i am planning to visit spiti by the end of july around 22nd july.(9 days trip ) is it safe to travel during monsoon time.Also tell me an alternative plan instead of Kinnaur since you wrote that there are more chances of landslides at that region . (we are interested in doing a full circuit trip from delhi to spiti)
    thank you 😉

    • Well, you should read about 10 Tips for a Trip to Spiti Valley in Monsoons

      You can do below for Manali plan

      Day 01 : Reach Manali and stay overnight at Solang Valley as preferred for acclimatization
      Day 02 : Manali / Solang – Kaza
      Day 03 : Kaza – Pin Valley – Tabo
      Day 04 : Tabo – Dhangkar – Dhangkar Lake trek – Kaza
      Day 05 : Kaza – Ki – Kibber/Kaza
      Day 06 : Kibber/Kaza – Langza – Komic – Hikkim – Kaza
      Day 07 : Kaza – Chandratal
      Day 08 : Chandratal – Manali
      Day 09 : Manali – Delhi

  8. debaprateem on


  9. Hi Dheeraj
    I am planning to travel spiti in the month of August.
    Please suggest me any precautions due to rains and landslides
    and which week should i prefer?

  10. Debaprateem Mal on

    we r plaining to visit spiti in mid dec 2018 can we see snow???

      • debaprateem on

        so in mid december which places of himachal Pradesh can we find thick snow???

        • There are very less places in mid December to find snow in Himachal Pradesh, Rohtang Pass is the best bet but December last year was almost dry and it started snowing in late December only

  11. Ashok Kumar Mishra on

    Hi we are planning to Spiti Valley in 9th June – 16th June or 7th July – 15th July this year. please which time will be best this year for bike trip. if we are going in june will there be snow view? or in july will there be chances of rain/land slide conditions.

    I’m planning to complete the spiti circuit from shimla to manali with my Bike Honda Hornet CBS 160cc. should it be good bike option or should i go for some other bike?

    • Both time windows shall be fine, July will be better as crowd in lower towns will be less because vacation finishes. If you need some snow then June is better. Bike of 160cc should be fine.

  12. Rakesh Das on


    I am planning to do the Spiti circuit, in mid October. I will get festival holidays during mid October till first week of November. I have read your blog and your advise on the best season to travel to Spiti.

    As I wouldn’t get my leave (for 14-15 days at a stretch), I have no other alternative than mid October.
    Taking into consideration of my situation, what should be my itinerary? Enetering from Shimla or from Manali?

    Kindly suggest me an intinerary.

    Thanks in advance

    • I will suggest that you enter from Manali side so that risk is minimum towards the end of October and do not have to deal with situation of Kunzum Pass getting closed.

  13. Hello Dheeraj , 

    Your post is very helpful and thank you for guiding us all through. 

    I with 2 of my friends planning to start my trip on 23rd June from Shimla and end on 30th June at Manali on bike .

    Could you please recommend if the dates are fine , our main concern is the rains . If it would be heavy rainfall during this time then it would be difficult as there could be land slides . 

    Request your suggestion on our trip and dates. 

  14. Hey sir, i am planning spiti on a solo trip on 1st june right after my exams ends. Planning to complete the entire circuit. This would be my first solo trip of life and anticipatedly i am expecting it to completely chnge my life , free me out of tensions and motivate me to work for myself ahead in life.
    Can you tell me what kind of things i can expect during this 1june to 10th june? I mean i love little snow but the greenery medows in between the route is also so wonderful, would i be see both during the route? And where? Also, how much time do i need 9 days enough? And how much should i keep in my pocket, are homestays become costly during this time. It would be an extremely budget travel. Plz guide me sir you have a wonderful guide.thanks

  15. hii dhiraj,

    we are 4 friends planning for spiti vally around 15th june, 2018.
    is it right seascon ? can you share your valuable thoughts on this…


    amit desai

  16. Hi Dheeraj,

    Cheers for such a wonderful post.
    We are four friends looking to travel spiti valley in July 1st week.
    Can you please tell the how can we get the rohtang pass permit or is DL very necessary in those areas?
    FYI we will be travelling on rented bikes.

    Help Appreciated!

  17. Firstly thanks for your valuable information,
    I need your help
    Me and 3 friends are planning to go SPITI VALLEY in second week of may 18″,we can’t take other dates because of some personal reasons,so how can we reach SPITI in above mentioned dates
    We are from Kerala, we are planning a bike ride. How, where ll’ get bike

  18. Rishabh Kathuria on

    Hey Dheeraj,
    This was indeed useful! Just had a question. How risky is the drive here on an SUV and what should we keep in mind while driving ?

  19. Hi Dheeraj,

    Firstly, thanks a tonne for all the information you continue to provide. This is like an encyclopedia into Spiti. My question was, any info on the possible rumour that due to less snowfall this year around Kunzum, the Manali-Kaza road will be thrown open by April end possibly ? Even the HRTC FB page posted about this and so did the Spiti Valley travels on their FB page. Planning to go via Kinnaur into Spiti and back via Rohtang.

    Keep up the awesome work ! Regards.

    • Thank you Tristan, Manali – Kaza is surely expected to open early this season but personally, I have a feeling it will not open by mid-May to third week of May especially after the two spells of heavy snowfall recently. HRTC FB page is privately run and not govt. run, so I will not 100% rely on the authenticity as if it is coming from GOVT. order. I have talked to locals and they echo my feelings as well. But, BRO definitely is pretty close to Chatru

  20. Rajnish Singh on

    hi, i am planning to go spiti this season. I have some queries please ans this.

    I am travelling to Spiti on 1 week of may( is it open via manali?)
    Is it possible to go spiti form manali in 1 day
    Is it good itinerary for spiti from delhi via manali
    Day 1 Thursday 

    Board the volvo from delhi

    Day 2 Friday

    Reach manali and stay

    Day 3 Sat 

    head to spiti from manali on bike reach spiti and rest

    day 4 sun 

    back to manali and rest

    day 5 Mon 

    board the volvo to delhi

    • Spiti valley will not be open by first week of May from Manali – Kaza side. Also, in order to enjoy Spiti valley, you need about 78- days from Manali side and 10-11 days from Kinnaur – Shimla side.

  21. Hi Dheeraj.

    I found your blog lately. Appreciate your efforts for helping fellow travelers on their journey.

    I need a help planning whole Spiti and Leh-Ladakh itinerary. Have read your post on separate itinerary. I’m kinda clueless on how to plan both places with single itinerary. Since I’m planning to take hiatus from work after April so number of days and dates won’t be issue. But I want to explore whole beauty of Himachal and Leh-Ladakh. So can you please suggest me when will be good time and what is best mode of transport for whole journey. I will be traveling with my partner so I’m ok with self drive SUV or if it is good to hire bike in respect to road condition.
    Sorry for selfish request. I don’t want to get disappointed coming from South, this will my first trip to north. I have backpacked here and there but this is due for very long on bucket list. Thanks.

    • Hey Nagendran,

      The roads of Manali – Leh and Srinagar – Leh and Manali – Kaza will not be open in April. If you want the whole circuit with Spiti and Ladakh, the roads open in June only. In April you can make individual trips to these places like flying into Leh for Ladakh trip and going – coming back form Shimla – Kinnaur side for Spiti Valley trip.

      • Hi Dheeraj.

        Thanks for your comment. Sorry I didn’t mentioned I’ll be completely free for a year precisely. So when will best time of year to travel both together. I was thinking to land Chandigarh and start trip from there.

        • Really not concerned of number of days. But thinking 25-30 days as of now. If I’m flexible with days what are the places I can add along with your 16 days itinerary considering 30days max. Also can you suggest me best mode of transport for whole journey. I will be traveling with my partner so I’m thinking of taking rented self drive SUV or do you suggest to hire bike in respect to road condition.

        • Awesome, then, in that case, look no further and plan the trip as defined below to include Zanskar Valley too in the plan. You can take the rented self drive car but once you will reach Leh, you need to park it and cover Ladakh sightseeing places by local LAdakhi taxi or some places like Sham Valley and all can be covered by rented bike from Leh. You can even go to Nubra Valley on rented bike if you have experience with riding. Here is the one dream trip you can take 😀

          Day 1 | Delhi – Jammu / Patnitop
          — Overnight at Jammu or Patnitop

          Day 2 | Jammu / Patnitop – Srinagar
          — Enjoy walk around Dal lake and may be Shikara ride as well
          — If you have time then check out, floating market, Shalimar Garden.
          — Overnight at Srinagar

          Day 3 | Srinagar – Zozi La – Drass – Kargil
          — Enjoy the vistas enroute
          — Have late drunch meal at Drass is you are a vegetarian as sometimes it gets difficult to find veg. food at Kargil
          — Overnight at Kargil

          Day 4 | Kargil – Padum (Zanskar Valley)
          — Head straight to Padum

          Day 5 | Padum Local Sightseeing
          — Enjoy Zangla, Stongde, Karsha

          Day 6 | Padum – Zongkhul Monastery – Penzi La Pass – Rangdum
          — Start back and stay at Rangdum

          Day 7 | Rangdum – Panikhar – Sankoo – Kargil
          — Checkout rock carved statue at Khartse Khar

          Day 8 | Kargil – Lamayuru – Leh
          — Cover Mulbekh Maitrey, Lamayuru Moanstery, Lunar Landscapes
          — On the way you can also see Gurudwara Pather Sahib, Magnetic Hills, Confluence at Nimmu
          — Overnight at Leh

          Day 9 | Leh Local Sightseeing + Inner Line Permits
          — To know the about the places to visit check the link: Travel Guide for Local Sightseeing of Leh Town in Ladakh
          — For more details on inner line permits process and to download application form read the link here
          — Overnight at Leh

          Day 10 | Leh – Khardung La – Diskit – Hunder – Turtuk
          — Head for Nubra Valley and stay overnight at Turtuk
          — On the way enjoy a cup of soup at Highest Motorable Pass (as claimed) Khardung La
          — enjoy the culture in the Turtuk Village
          — do mention Turtuk on the permits

          Day 11 | Turtuk – Hunder
          — Spend whole day at Turtuk and reach Hunder by evening
          — Overnight at Hunder

          Day 12 | Hunder – Deskit – Sumur – Panamik – Sumur
          — Diskit has monasteries with tallest lord Buddha statue and Hunder has sand dunes and bacterian camel safari
          — Enjoy drive upto Panamik, visit Yarab Tso Lake and back to overnight stay at Kyagar or Tiger or Sumur
          — Enjoy walks in Hunder, Deskit, Sumur villages for the last 3 days

          Day 13 | Sumur/Kyagar – Panamik – Sumur – Khardung La – Leh
          — Sumur has a famous monastery to check out and Panamik has hot water springs
          — Overnight at Leh

          Day 14 | Rest day at Leh to enjoy local culture and some shopping OR Monastery tour
          — Monastery tour may include Hemis, Thicksey, Stakna and Shey monasteries. They come on the route of Pangong Tso but as you will be doing day trip, it will be a bit hectic to include them on that day only.
          — Overnight at Leh

          Day 15 | Leh – Sham Valley – Leh
          — Sham Valley include Alchi, Likir, Basgo Palace, Magnetic Hills, Confluence at Nimmu, Gurudwara Pather Sahib
          — Overnight at Leh

          Day 16 | Leh – Hemis Monastery – Pangong Tso Lake
          — Cover either of Hemis, Thicksey and Shey on the go towards Pangong Tso
          — Overnight at Pangong Tso (Spangmik)

          Day 17 | Pangong Tso Lake – Shey – Thicksey – Leh
          — Mention all the places of this route as mentioned above on the permits and Nyoma as well
          — Overnight at Hanle

          Day 18 | Leh – Chumathang – Mahe – Nyoma – Loma – Hanle
          — Overnight at Hanle

          Day 19 | Hanle – Loma – Nyoma – Mahe – Korzok / Tso Moriri Lake OR Hanle – Salsal La – Tso Moriri Lake
          — Overnight at Tso Moriri lake

          Day 20 | Tso Moriri – Tso Kar – Debring (Manali – Leh Highway starts) – Moore Plains – Pang / Sarchu
          — Try to start early in the day so that you reach Sarchu where the accommodation options are better than Pang
          — Overnight at Sarchu or Pang

          Day 21 | Pang / Sarchu – Baralacha La – Jispa
          — On the way cover Suraj Tal, Deepak Tal which are on the road sides only
          — Overnight at Jispa

          Day 22 | Jispa – Chandratal
          Day 23 | Chandratal – Kaza
          Day 24 | Kaza (Ki, Kibber, Gette)
          Day 25 | Kaza/Langza Homestay (Hikkim, Koumik, Langza)
          Day 26 | Kaza – Dhankar – Pin Valley
          Day 27 | Pin Valley – Tabo – Nako
          Day 28 | Nako – Kalpa
          Day 29 | Kalpa – Sangla/Chitkul (if you cannot extend, skip)
          Day 30 | Sangla/Chitkul (if you cannot extend, skip)
          Day 31 | Sangla/Chitkul – Narkanda
          Day 32 | Narkanda – Chail / Shimla – Delhi

        • Hi Dheeraj.

          I’m finding short of words to thank you on helping me with the detailed itinerary. Having read multiple detailed post of you and your selfless comment on repeated questions, initially I bit hesitated to post a question regarding itinerary. But yet whole heartedly you replied with lengthy detailed information. Thanks once again for your generosity. If you plan to come down to South (Tamilnadu), please do call me I’ll be happy to host you. 🙂

        • My pleasure buddy !! Happy to help with the Himalayas. Thank you for sharing the contact details, will surely let you know whenever in future I will plan a trip. Much appreciated…

  22. Hi Dhiraj,
    Last year we completed a superb trip to Ladakh,doing the entire circuit from Srinagar to Manali starting in early June and finishing by mid June. This year we were planning a trip to Spiti valley…Also a full circuit going in via shimla and exiting via Manali….In early June. I am setting aside 15 days for the same. Would it be feasible if we start somewhere around 25thmay from Chandigarh thru kinnaur and exit via kunzum pass somewhere around 8th to 10th june. Also, is it true that the weather is cloudy in Spiti in early June?

    • Mayoor, it is wonderful to see you back here !! If possible postpone the trip by a week so that there is even higher chance of having the Manali – Kaza road open. Otherwise, it becomes difficult sometimes and the road from Manali – Kaza opens around mid June. Weather wise it shall be fine and like Ladakh Spiti Valley is also a rain shadow region, so it does not rain much there.

      • Actually due to early school reopening in Mumbai, the latest that i can postpone is by 3-4 days, maybe we can do the Kunzum crossing by 12th june…..should that be ok? I was just going thru the historical data regarding opening of Kunzum Pass. Since last 2 years, it has opened by 2nd June. I am not sure about the state of the road though. I will mostly try to keep a buffer day so that if by chance the pass is closed, I will have to return via Shimla. Is Chandrataal lake journey possible at that time?

        • The max you can delay, the better. Go ahead with whatever maximum delay you can extend. The state of the road remains bad and it is not just the Kunzum Pass that matters, actually the main problem lies beyond Kunzum Pass between Chatru and Batal where they BRO has to cut off the big giant walls of glaciers. Chandratal lake will most certainly be possible towards mid of June unless there is heavy snowfall this year and the diversion road is still blocked and PWD hasn’t cleaned it yet.

        • Thanks Dhiraj for your suggestion. I will try to rework & delay as much as possible. Also, wanted to know if there is any Gallery section where we can post some really awesome Photographs along with Captions.

        • Hi Dhiraj. Sorry for the extremely long Post. I have prepared a tentative Itinerary for Spiti. Pl let me know if any changes or improvement is required

          Day 1 : 5th June : Mumbai to Chandigarh via Air. Leave Chandigarh at 12 noon and go to Narkanda via Chail (Is a short visit to Chail Palace possible?). O/n Narkanda.

          Day 2 : 6th June : Late sleep-in. Narkanda sightseeing…Hatu Peak, Thanedar, Tanijubbar lake, Ski ground. O/n Narkanda

          Day 3 : 7th June : Leave Narkanda early by 8:00 am. Reach Chitkul in evening (Want to avoid staying in Sangla or Kalpa as have already visited both previously) O/n Chitkul. Is this journey possible in a day or is it too long?

          Day 4 : 8th June : Relax & then local sightseeing like Batesari village, ITBP camp, walk along Baspa river. O/n Chitkul. How is Samaa Resorts for stay?

          Day 5 : 9th June : Leave early…Chitkul to Khab, Nako, Sumdo, Geu, Tabo. O/n Tabo

          Day 6 : 10th June : Tabo monastery in morning. Then leave for Pin valley..Kungri, Sangnam, Tailing, Mud village. O/n Mud village. How is Tara Guest house? Does it have an attached toilet?

          Day 7 : 11th June : Mud to Laalung to Dhankar to Dhankar lake to Kaza. O/n Kaza

          Day 8 : 12th June : Kaza day trip to Langza, Hikkim, Komic & back. O/n Kaza

          Day 9 : 13th June : Kaza to Ki, Gette, Tashigong, Kibber & then to Losar. Is it advisable to return back to Kaza or can we stay overnight at Losar to save time the following day.

          Day 10 : 14th June : Losar to Chandrataal lake via Kunzum Pass (if Kunzum is open). Can we return to Losar for the night (Is it possible?) or should we stay in the camps there. I have heard that the camps are very basic there.

          Day 11 : 15th June : Chandrataal to Manali. O/n Manali

          Day 12 : 16th June : Manali local sightseeing

          Day 13 : 17th June : Manali to Chandigarh for evening flight to Mumbai

        • Sorry Dhiraj, but I couldn’t locate your answer. Should I post the question again in the Q & A section

        • The only problem sleeping at Chitkul will be AMS as your body may not be acclimatized to sleep at high altitude that early in the trip. I will recommend to sleep at Sangla only.

          Try to get a room at Sagnam PWD Rest House, if he does not provide you then go to Tara Guest House for stay. The guest house is more like a home stay with basic amenities. As you plan to stay at Chandratal, I will suggest keeping it simple and stay either at Langza or Kibber. If you stay at Kibber then you can travel to Chichcham and further to Chandratal directly and explore a new route too.

          Rest looks good to me.

          PS: Sorry I guess I mistook your query with someone else.

        • Thanks Dhiraj for your reply. Actually I have read rave reviews from people who have stayed at Samaa resorts, Chitkul about the resort and the verdant surroundings. But, I guess you are right about AMS as day 3 would be too early to spend at Chitkul. I can stay at Sangla on Day 3. Can I spend Day 4 night at Chitkul or would you recommend a day trip only to Chitkul and go over to Kalpa to spend the night

        • Yes Mayoor, I will go with Chitkul on Day 4 but then again it depends if you are really interested to ease out, go for it and skip Kalpa altogether and move on further towards upper Kinnaur and Spiti. Nako will be better than spending night at Kalpa if you are already spending two nights in Sangla and Chitkul.

  23. Hello sir, is it possible to take lancer cedia for the trip. We are planning for September 2018. Group of 3 people. Consider the fact that that cedia gives a mileage of 10kmpl, are there enough fuel stations to complete the circuit. Your help will be highly appreciated.

    • Omar, fuel should not be a problem. For taking Lancer Cedia to Spiti Valley, Possible = Yes, Difficult = Yes, at quite a few place. For hatchback/sedan taking on Manali – Leh Highway Or Spiti Valley via Manali Or Ladakh, please refer the link: FAQ | Can I do Leh – Ladakh / Spiti / Manali – Leh trip in Hatchback or Sedan? for more details.

      • Moreover the car currently has a GC of 175mm. We might increase a bit further to avoid the bad patches and protecting her more. Currently the car has done 1lac kms mostly on highways.

  24. Hello Dheeraj,
    We 5 persons all boys are planning a trip to spiti in 2nd week of December with Fortuner 4*4… Is this possible & also plz suggest where to visit in December..we have been to Leh this June but via Srinagar.

  25. Hi Brother,

    When should we travel if we want to avoid more water crossings or bad roads on India-Tibet highway? Especially Malling Nala 😀

      • By the way, can we do it with a pillion? They say the Roads to spiti are worse than those to Leh

        • Yes, the roads especially Manali – Kaza is worse than Ladakh roads. Rest mostly similar to Manali – Leh Highway and at places good to average. Regarding riding with pillion, lots of people do it. I do not think there should be any issue besides walking few times specially around Kunzum Pass and Manali – Kaza road.

    • Hey Brother.. A last question…
      I’ve seen a news that due to frequent landslides at malling nala, a new road has been built which connects Nako and Chango other than NH5.. Is that true? Or it’s the same road which I see in those youtube vidoes 😀

      • AFAIK Yuvraj, there is no new road. What they do is they cut the mountain further deeper and make road from it. The road is same but I can confirm from the locals and update. There was a major landslide this year which washed away the road so they had to cut the mountain more to to make the road again.

  26. Sir , i am planning to travel spiti this october from 10 to 17 .which route should be taken by us ? Manali to shimla ,? And can u tell me kunzum pass will be open or not ?

    • Hi Himanshu,

      You can enter from Manali side and come back from Shimla side. Route will be open through Kunzum Pass now adays up to mid of October. But, a snowfall can block it for a day or two.

  27. Hi Dheeraj,

    Me and and my friends planning for a bike trip to Spiti on 16 oct ,I want to know it will be at that time?

  28. Joel John Philip on

    I wanted to know if I had 4 days to visit spiti, will it be better if I visit only the Shimla side or only the Manali side?
    30th September to 3rd October!

    • In such a case, it will be better to visit from Manali side only. 4 days from Shimla or Manali? Or you want to have travel to Shimla and Manali also included in these 4 days?

        • Day 1 : Reach Manali and stay overnight at Solang Valley as preferred for acclimatization
          Day 2 : Manali / Solang – Kaza
          Day 3 : Kaza – Dhangkar – Tabo – Kaza OR Kaza – Langza – Komik – Hikkim – Kaza
          Day 4 : Kaza – Ki – Kibber – Gette – Chandratal
          Day 5 : Losar – Chandratal – Manali
          Day 6 : Manali – Delhi

          Assuming 4 days does not include travel to Manali

  29. Hi Dheeraj,
    I have been following DoW for a few years now. You are doing a wonderful job! I consulted your blogs in detail for my maiden Ladakh trip last year. Though Ladakh was done in end of August, this year I want to do Spiti but I can make it only in September end. Can you please help me with my planning.
    We are two people who will be travelling in a Scorpio, but only one of us can drive. Can you please let me know if a full circuit (i.e.Chandigarh-Shimla-Kinnaur-Spiti-Manali-Chandigarh route) can be done realistically in this time of the year. And we want to mix home stays and camping along the way. Can you suggest places which will be ideal for homestays and which places to pitch our own tent?
    Dates: 28th September to 7th October (+1 Day buffer) i.e. 9 days+1 day buffer.


  30. Hi Dheeraj,

    I am planning to go to spiti from 30th sep-7th Oct in i20 car. Is it a good time to go ? Will i 20 be suitable for the trip ?
    I want to do the complete circuit…Can you please suggest the itinerary

  31. Hello and thanks for a wonderful article!

    I am planning on a bike trip going from manali to Key gompa and back during end of september – beginning of october. From Google Maps it says it is about 5 hours each way so I guess this whole trip could take around 4 days including some visits in Spiti valley.

    Is the Kunzum pass usually open at these times?
    Is it usually passable without too many problems?

    Thanks in advance!

    • I should also add that I can start this trip earlier, around 20 September, if it makes conitions more favorable.

    • DEan, Google maps and the roads in the Himalayas do not go hand in hand. It will take about 10-11 Hrs to reach Kaza, Key monastery from Manali. Kunzum Pass will be open during that time. With just 4 days, it is possible but like

      Manali – Kaza
      Kaza and around, Langza, Hikkim, Komic
      Kaza – Manali

  32. Hi Dheeraj,

    We, five couple with children, wants to visit spiti valley during next May, 2018. We want to start our journey via shimla route and return via manali route. We have spared 8 days for same from chandigarh. So please kindly provide us itinerary for same. We have not visited Leh-Ladakh yet, instead we are visiting spiti valley first. Is it good thing ? We want to book tempo-traveller for our journey. Is the road of rohtang pass remain open during end of May. Please kindly provide me your opinion.

    • Hi Himanshu,

      It should be OK to travel in May but the problem is that you cannot do a full circuit of Spiti Valley in May because the road from Manali to Kaza opens in mid-June types.


  33. Hi Dheeraj
    We are 4 friends from chandigarh planning to go spiti around 22nd of august via shimla by vw polo so what do suggest is safe to go at this time of year and is polo compatible according to the route? Please reply asap becouse its urgent

    • Hi Sahil,

      The road at Nako is closed due to a massive landslide at Malling Nala. It is expected to open in weeks time but nothing certain.

  34. Hi Dheeraj,

    Me and my husband are planning to visit spiti in 3rd week of september via manali. Could you please suggest whether it is good time to visit spiti

  35. Harish chander on

    Hi Dheeraj
    We me and my wife 50 and 47 years of age are planning to go Jalandhar-Simla-kaza-kunjum-Rohtang -Manali -jalandhar from 6 October to 13 oct. 2017 by Pajero sports. Is it fine as these are earliest dates we have. We are only couple. Never been to this route however covered Srinagar Leh Manali thrice by this car. Pl suggest with regard to climate and weather on those days.

    • Harish sir, It starts to get cold during that time of the year in Spiti valley and there can be occasional snowfall as well. Since you are versed with terrains, it should not be an issue but just don’t any unnecessary risks. Once you reach Kaza, check the weather and then make a call to drive from Kaza to Manali because getting stuck in between Kaza and Manali due to weather will not be pleasant

  36. Kunal Dwivedi on

    Hello Sir! I am planning to leave for Spiti on 11th of August 2017. Would it be a right time to visit Spiti. Also, considering the recent rainfall in Spiti would you suggest us to go in this month?

  37. Amit Gera on


    I am travelling to Spiti in September, is it fine if we go without booking hotels ?

    • Yes, Amit, september is a very good time to travel to Spiti valley. You should not worry about stay options and will get on the spot.

  38. varun singh pundir on


    We are traveling from 26th of aug to 3rd of sept on motorcycles. Any advise?
    We are looking to explore more at pin valley,Pls suggest.


  39. Dheeraj,

    Is it advisable to go to Spiti in Novemeber??.

    When do the hotels close and what are the chances of finding snow in November??

    Also, can you let me know the places where we could find snow starting November last week to December 2nd or 3rd week??

  40. Hi,

    We want to visit Spiti in Mid Aug; self drive in a rental jeep. Would any one know of any groups which are planned around that time that we can join?


  41. Rishi Raj Gupta on

    Hi Dheeraj,
    Need one advise – we are doing a bike trip from Delhi to Spiti and back via Manali on 23Sep to 30Sep. Our trip is
    23 – Gurgaon-Narkanda
    24 – Narkanda-Kalpa
    25 – Kalpa-Kaza
    26-27 – travel in and around Kaza
    28 – Kaza-Manali
    29 – Manali-Chandigarh
    30 – Chd-Gurgaon

    We have done this circuit many times; however, not in Sep-end. Any guidance on weather and route planning?

    Rishi Raj

      • Rishi Raj Gupta on

        Thanks. Also request you to please advise on the two days that we have at Kaza – to help us plan an itinerary. We have seen Tabo and Dhankar and don’t want to stress ourselves too much on these two days by riding a lot.

        • Day 1 : Kaza – Langza – Komik – Hikkim – Kaza
          Day 2 : Kaza – Key – Kibber – Gette – Tashigang – Kaza – Rangrik – Chandratal

  42. Happy sandhu on

    Hello sir! We r planning for spiti from 24 july to 2 august bt we r confused as its not a right time as many travellers say… we r travelling by our suv .last year we travelled to leh via srinagr in same dates bt not any kind prblm was there ….. jst tell us should we go or not ???? Now it totally depends on your suggestion ….

  43. Kulbhushan Kumar on

    Hi Dheeraj,
    We are planning to visit SPITI VALLEY or leh ladakh from 25-01 Nov. what would be the best place to visit @ this time?. Planning to cover complete Circuit. Need your suggestions on following:
    1. Route/ itinerary?
    2. Places to visit?
    3. Where to stay?

    • Kulbhushan, it is winters in trans Himalayas and rough/dry time to travel to these places with minimum facilities open. Are you sure you want to go at such harsh time?

  44. Hitesh Kumar on

    Hi Dheeraj,
    We are planning to visit SPITI VALLEY from 9-17 sept. Is it good time to visit? Planning to cover complete Circuit. Need your suggestions on following:
    1. Route/ itinerary?
    2. Places to visit?
    3. Where to stay?

    Regards, HITESH KUMAR

    • September is a good time to travel Spiti Valley. With 9 days at hand, you can follow below plan:

      Day 1 | Delhi – Narkanda
      Day 2 | Narkanda – Kalpa
      Day 3 | Kalpa – Nako – Nako Lake – Geyu Mummy – Tabo
      Day 4 | Tabo – Dhankar – Dhankar Lake – Pin Valley (Mudh Village) – Kaza
      Day 5 | Kaza Local Sightseeing 
      — Ki, Kibber, Gette, Tashigang in the second half of the day
      Day 6 | Kaza Local Sightseeing (Hikkim, Komik) 
      — Hikkim, Komik, Langza circuit 
      Day 7 | Kaza – Kunzum Pass – Chandratal
      Day 8 | Chandratal – Manali
      Day 9 | Manali – Delhi

      For stay options in Kinnaur and Spiti, check the link: Some Good Options of Stays in Spiti Valley / Kinnaur Valley.

  45. Hi,we planing a trip to spiti valley on 8th of July via shimla- kinnaur side and end up throw rotang pass-manali.please update weather condition

    • Kaif, weather updates can be checked for Kinnaur and Kaza at weather websites. However, regarding road updates now the roads are open.

  46. Sejal jain on

    Hi, i wanted to visit spiti-kaza -nako-chandratal lake and near by places for my pre wedding shoot on 24th july to 30th july. Is it fine?? Will i get good view and no problems of rain and landslides?? Is it safe???

  47. Shaurya Dutt on

    Hello Sir,
    I am Shaurya and I would like to know the feasibility of going to Spiti Valley in mid August (11th-15th/16th August). We are a group of 7-8 guys eager to explore the best of Spiti in the limited time we have.
    I’ve heard the current situation of roads is pathetic, also keeping in mind that we are planning to go in mid August i.e after monsoon , will you advise us to continue with the plan.

    Most of us will travel from Delhi/Gurgaon and few are coming from Bangalore and Mumbai via flight. All of us will be leaving on 11th (Friday) night from our respective places and hope to come back by 15th (Tuesday) or 16th (Wednesday) night at the max. Hence kindly suggest a suitable itinerary through which we can make the most of these 4-5 days that we have. Also suggest the most feasible mode of transport keeping in mind the condition of the roads at that time of the year (Private cabs will be preferred).

    PS- I understand that we have a time constraint hence we would like to cover the major/best parts in and around Spiti Valley.

  48. Satyajeet on

    Hi I am planning for a trip to lahaul spiti around 17th or 18th of June 2017. I am from Chandigarh.
    1. Which road route will be best for me?
    2. Are LMVs like swift, polo fine to travel on?
    3. Important points to be noted and taken care of ?

    • You can check a very balanced and most common itinerary for Spiti Valley followed by many travellers including me at the link here for 10-11 days: Most Common Itinerary for Spiti Valley.
      For hatchback/sedan taking on Manali – Leh Highway Or Spiti Valley via Manali Or Ladakh, please refer the link: FAQ | Can I do Leh – Ladakh / Spiti / Manali – Leh trip in Hatchback or Sedan? for more details.

  49. Sreyashi Bose on

    Hello Sir, We are a group of 10 people planning to visit Spiti from 13-23 july. I understand from your article that it is not the right season to travel. But we really want to as no other time in the year is convenient for us. So if we had to try our luck, can you please chalk up an itinerary for us? Will be very grateful.

  50. Soumyadeep on

    Hi Dhreeraj,

    How are you?

    Need you help to plan the trip of 6-8 people of Spite Valley this August 15, 2017. We will be travelling from Delhi/Gurgaon. Will planning to leave by Friday (11th ) night and return by 15th Tuesday. As we don’t have that much of time so need to take the shortest route. Also we will be travelling via public transport.

    Thanks in advanced..

    • Soumyadeep, you should plan the trip in such a case from Manali side. There is a direct bus that runs from Manali and Kaza.

      Day 1 : Reach Manali by overnight volvo of and stay overnight at Solang Valley as preferred for acclimatization
      Day 2 : Manali / Solang – Kaza
      Day 3 : Kaza – Dhangkar – Tabo
      Day 4 : Tabo – Pin Valley
      Day 5 : Pin Valley – Kaza. Do Ki, Kibber in the evening.
      Day 6 : Kaza – Langza – Komik – Hikkim – Kaza
      Day 7 : Kaza – Chandratal
      Day 8 : Reach Manali and take overnight Volvo from Manali to Delhi

  51. Hey Dheeraj,

    Is it advisable to travel alone on a self driven trip? I know it depends on individual to individual but thought to ask you.

    Also I am in a dilemma whether to explore it in June or in september. The thing is i love the view of snow capped mountains (though I have seen enough of snow in last few years) but at the same time I dont like crowded places. I am more inclined towards the month of September, but open to your suggestions and feedback.

  52. Soumen Mondal on


    I have 4 points pls. clear my doubt.
    We are planning to visit Spiti Vally in 2nd week of Oct-17. We have 2 plane. pls advice which one is good to go ?? We are group of 3 couple (6 people)


    From To
    Day1 Delhi Manali
    Day2 Manali KAZA
    Day3 Kaza Local
    Day4 Kaza Local
    Day5 Kaza Keylong
    Day6 Keylong BARLACHA LA & BACK
    Day7 Keylong Manali
    Day8 Manali KALKA TO HOWRAH


    From To
    Day1 Chandigarh Kalpa
    Day2 Kalpa Tabo
    Day3 Tabo Kaza
    Day4 Kaza Kaza
    Day5 Kaza Keylong
    Day6 Keylong BARLACHA LA & BACK
    Day7 Keylong Manali
    Day8 Manali Chandigarh

    We tried to conact car driver for the trip but we are informed that no car driver is ready to go from Manali to
    Kaza through Rotong pass. Is thre any restriction ??
    Is snow available at BARALACHA LA in Oct. ??
    Hotel or home stay will be available Rs.700/800 p.d at KAZA,TABO or KEYLONG ??

    Watting for your valuable reply .


    • Hi Soumen,

      I do not like any of the plans as it does not let you enjoy the beauty of Spiti Valley to fullest and ease. I will recommend focusing just on Spiti Valley and keep Lahaul Valley for some other time.

      Yes, you need to get Rohtang Pass permit to cross Rohtang Pass to get to Kaza, Keylong or Leh. Snow will not be present anywhere unless it snows a day or two before your trip or on the trip itself.

      You can get connected directly to some drivers in Himachal or Spiti Valley or Kinnaur Valley at the link: List of Taxi Drivers for Spiti Valley & Kinnaur Valley. These drivers can come and pick you up from Manali / Shimla / Delhi / Chandigarh too, of course with a price of the pickup as well.

      The rates of the taxis are about Rs 3200-3500 per day depending on the number of days you plan to travel, more the days, less the price. If you are 2-3 in the group, you can opt for sedan taxi cars as well which charges around Rs 2200 per day.

      Otherwise, taxis, in general, are also available on the spot from Shimla or Manali from respective taxi stands. These drivers can help you with finding local stay options too.

      For stay options in Kinnaur and Spiti, check the link: Some Good Options of Stays in Spiti Valley / Kinnaur Valley.

  53. Sujana rai on

    Hii Dheeraj,
    I love to travel basically m solo traveller so i wanted to know that is it posible to travel solo in spiti valley ??. Even i have done solo travelling in ladakh also. Or is there any chances to attach to other group from manali or chances to get sharing taxi from manali for whole spiti valley in this september??

  54. Hi Dheeraj,
    I shall be visiting Spiti valley for the first time this August. Reading about the weather and road conditions in this post made me feel a bit disheartened, given the fact that after much anticipation and wait, I have finally planned a trip to Spiti. August is the only free month that I have. I won’t be bugged down by some rain, but are road blockages frequent? How’s the temperature during that time? Any suggestions on winter/rain clothing that need to packed?

    • Yes Amrita, especially in Kinnaur, road blocks are common as the mountains are fragile in Kinnaur. You may try your luck from Manali side. Temparatures will be pleasant, light woolens will do for you.

      • Hey,
        Thank you for your prompt reply. I am not doing the entire circuit anyway, will stick to manali-spiti-manali route. Keeping my fingers crossed regarding this one. Once in spiti, would I need poncho/rain jackets? What are the chances of visiting and camping near Chandratal during August?
        Warm regards,

        • I will suggest carrying one, however, Spiti is rain shadow region and we get very little rain up there in Spiti. The road to chandratal will be open, it may be overcast on a rainy day but people do make a visit to Chandratal.

  55. vinaynagyal on

    is a sedan-maruti swift or tata indigo fine along shimla-kaza in end-may to earlyjune?

    • Vinay, Shimla to Kaza is fine but main challenge will be faced on Manali – Kaza route. You have to be very very careful and car will surely struggle and suffer.

  56. Hello Sir

    Great Information..

    I am planning a visit to Spiti Valley in September 17 with my family and complete the circuit as follows:

    1. Chandigarh- Narkanda
    2. Narkand-Sarahan- Sangla
    3. Sangla- Chitkul- Sangla- Kalpa
    4. Kalpa-Nako-Kaza
    5. Kaza
    6. Kaza-Chandratal (can be skipped also)
    7. Chandratal- Solang-Manali
    8. Manali- Back

    Is it possible to do the trek with Hundai I20/ Ford Figo?? I have done Manali-Leh-Jammu with the same type of car.

    Any suggested change in itinerary?


    • Hey Pradeep,

      The car will struggle on Manali – Kaza road, so you need to be cautious over the nallas and stones. Also above itinerary is doable but you are not resting much. It will be better to add one day to the plan and halt at Tabo from Kalpa instead of going directly with Kaza. This will give you opportunity to visit Dhangkar and Pin Valley while going from Tabo to Kaza next day.

  57. Hello Dheeraj,

    I’m sure your article is going to be very helpful for folks out there. I do appreciate your inputs.

    It may sound over-adventurous. Nevertheless, I need to get this done. I’m planning to do this circuit during the winter. May be during the month of Jan/Feb. I will have enough buffer days to cover this trip. So, a mitigation can be achieved in case of an emergency . Just want to know whether I can reach the Spiti Valley from Uttarkhand or I need to depend on the Shimla route alone? I’ve taken all the cons into consideration but apart from that what are the other challenges I might face? I can anytime toggle back and forth to change my plan. So, that shouldn’t affect me much. Since I’ll be on a two-wheeler all alone during the entire trip, I just want to know whether I can get hold of a mechanic if there’s a major issue with the machine. I can take care of small concerns though. Will I get an accommodation during this period? Since I’m in no hurry, it will mostly be a leisure ride. Could you please pour your views?

    • Vivek, please let me know what route are you planning from Uttarakhand, then I can comment on it if it is feasible or not. Spiti via Kinnaur if road is open can be done in winters too.

  58. Hey, Myself and my friend have decided to take the journey to Spitti, we’re from Chennai,Tamil Nadu and so are not used to high altitudes, So is acclamitisation going to be a major problem and what can we do to face it. And are there any suggestions about insulation clothing that we have to know beforehand ?
    We’re going on June 22 for a period of 5 days returning on 27. Taking the Shimla Route hoping that it will help us acclimatise at least a little.
    Thank you very much in advance…

    • Hi Ram,

      You just have 5 days in hand, so that means you will be just on road and AMS is bound to happen with tired body. Best you will be doing is below in just 5 days in hand:

      Shimla – Kalpa
      Kalpa – Tabo
      Tabo – Kaza
      Kaza – Manali
      Manali – Delhi

  59. Hi Dheeraj
    We are a group of 7 Adults planning for Manali-Spiti route on 6th jul to 14th July.
    We have planned to Hire Bikes in Manali.
    Any Suggestions ?

      • Hi Dheeraj
        We need suggestions on the Flowing questions :
        1. Since our plan is Manali-Spiti-Chandratal-Manali , Will stay at Kaza be a central point wherein we can do daily trips around the valey.
        2. While returing to Manali we are planning to stay over night at Chandratal, Can you throw some light Camping facility at Chandratal.
        3. Any Bike renting agency is Manali which has reasonable costing?
        4. Will Rotang be open during Jul-6 to Jul 14th ?
        5. Lastly, Wil the Mnson play a spoil sport during these dates?

        Your Inputs will be highly appriciated

  60. I m planning spiti in last week of May .please suggest wats the weather like ?

  61. Hi Dheeraj,

    Thank you for the valuable information and responses. Last year we went to Ladhak and your inputs were very helpful. This year in the 1st week of October we (a group of 9 including 3 couples) want to visit Spiti.
    1) Is it the good time for Spiti?
    2) We don’t want to do the full circuit, want to know the best and safe route in October (will it be best and scenic beauty?

    Kindly advise

    • Hi Sumit,

      October is a bit cold in night and morning but colors are pretty nice. If you plan to do Spiti in first half of October, it should be even fine to make the circuit but as an exception to the normal route, go from Manali side and exit from Shimla side in such a case.

  62. Vaibhav Pareek on

    Hi Dheeraj,. I have never been to the hills on bike and i want to have a bike ride trip from delhi to spiti. Please suggest is it safe cz i m planning to go in june. And want to go from shimla route and what arethe conditions of road and how much days i need for this.

  63. Hihihi, we are planning a trip in 26th September shimla-sarhan-kalpa-chitkul-tabo-kaza-keylong-manali..ends up by 10 the of October. Is it a good time for the trip?how will be doing road conditions?will it be safe to visit each places? We have a 6+yrs kid too

    • Puja, it is fine to travel on this time window, it will be a bit cold though. Road conditions will be best in comparison to the whole season. Since you have a good amount of days in hand, it should be OK.

        • Hi,I want to another thing that is what will be the condition of khunzum pass,could we able to pass through it?and is there any chance of getting show throughout the trip?if yes how much and where?

        • For the last couple of years, even if during that time it snows at Kunzum Pass, it is not too much. May be just a day’s delay. There will be no snow in september – October up there in Spiti.

  64. Hi, I am going to travel Lahaul Spiti at the end of this September by exactly following your itinerary which you have posted under “Spiti valley:most common itinerary”.
    Just need your suggestion in following points
    1. Where to stay in Tabo?
    2. I am planning to stay at Kaza for 3 nights instead of 1 night at Mud villege and 2 nights at Kaza. How far is Kaza from Pin valley?
    3. Is it possible to cover both Dhankar lake and Pin valley in a single day?
    4. Can you suggest any reliable car rental for 10 days Chandigarh to Chandigarh?

    • Hello Nandini,

      1. There are few options in Tabo. TowDhey Guest House, Kunzum Guest House, Siddharth Guest House.
      2. Kaza – Pin Valley first village is about 32 KMs apart and but then up to Mud Village, it is about 49 KMs.
      3. Yes, you can easily do Tabo – Dhangkar – Pin Valley – Kaza
      4. You can get connected directly to some drivers in Himachal or Spiti Valley or Kinnaur Valley at the link: List of Taxi Drivers for Spiti Valley & Kinnaur Valley. These drivers can come and pick you up from Manali / Shimla / Delhi / Chandigarh too, of course with a price of the pickup as well.

      The rates of the taxis are about Rs 3200-3500 per day depending on the number of days you plan to travel, more the days, less the price. If you are 2-3 in the group, you can opt for sedan taxi cars as well which charges around Rs 2200 per day.

      Otherwise, taxis, in general, are also available on the spot from Shimla or Manali from respective taxi stands. These drivers can help you with finding local stay options too.

  65. Hemkaran Raghav on

    Hi Dheeraj,
    I am travelling to spiti valley in first week of July and completing the whole circuit from manali to shimla. Will it be the best time? Or monsoon will be there?

  66. Hi Dheeraj, we plan to travel to Spiti valley or Leh Ladakh this year after 16th June.. need some help:
    1. How many days are required minimum? I can spare 6 days max. Is this trip doable?
    2. What’s the best route and best time?
    3. I plan to travel with my two young kids- 8 yrs and 5 years. Any precautions??
    4. What do you suggest for that part of year- spiti or Leh- Ladakh?

    Looking to hear from you soon.

    • Hi Priya,

      1. 6 days are not sufficient for a Ladakh trip unless you plan to fly in and out of Leh.
      2. Best time for beautiful colors, better roads in comparison is September.
      3. In general, it is fine to take the children of such age group because AMS do not matter with respect to age or sex or any fitness level. It can happen to anyone of any age or sex or fitness I shall say :D.. The issue with children is that they tend to exert the body considering it the same kind of place they belong to and this elevates the chances of getting struck with AMS. Secondly, they are not much expressive about their uneasy feelings, so it is parents who need to watch out and take care that the child is not suffering from uneasy feelings, headache or nausea and is behaving properly. With 5+ year child, I think he/she would be able to convey the uneasiness with little efforts. If you notice any such feeling or he/she tells you about such a feeling then please do not ascend anywhere, either descend to lower altitude or stay at the same place to watch things overnight and if symptom increase then start descending immediately. Same is applicable for any adult as well. And yes, do keep the body adequately hydrated!!
      Also, PLEASE read the article: Traveling to Ladakh with Kids or Babies. This article covers this topic in complete detail.
      4. 6 days for both Spiti and Ladakh are too less. For spiti, you can refer: How to make a trip to Spiti Valley in 6 days?

  67. Hey Dheeraj

    Thanks for all the updates for Ladhak, last year we planned a trip there. Your blog was of great help 🙂 : )

    Now planning for a trip to Spiti. Start date 23rd September and coming back on 3rd October. Want to cover the full circuit. Shimla – Spiti – Manali. Can you suggest is it a good time. Will the manali route be risky to take on those dates.


    • Yes, Rashmi, that is good time window to travel and you will get a chance to see some vivid colors of Spiti as well as apple loaded trees. Spiti apples are one of the best apples you can ever get a hand on in India 🙂 … You can check a very balanced and most common itinerary for Spiti Valley followed by many travellers including me at the link here for 10-11 days: Most Common Itinerary for Spiti Valley.

      • Thanks for the prompt response Dheeraj. I read in your article “Kunzum Pass starts getting snowfall by September end and it can be very tricky and risky crossing over it in no mans land.” our return will be somewhere around that time. We are planning this during Durga Puja holiday so will be difficult to shift the dates. Let me know if there is any other way out here. Else will plan for somewhere else and park Spiti for June next year.

        • Hi Rashmi,

          Weather conditions have changed now, Kunzum Pass remains open almost in November too now. So, those dates should be OK to travel almost up to mid of October. After that it becomes windy, desolate and cold.

  68. Ankit ahuja on

    Thanks dheeraj,
    That was helpfull and one more advice,if we plan to take our tent -do we need to take permission to install it as we want to make this a complete fun trip and something like a survival by our own.please let me know few other places which can be totally extreme and can we do any trekking on the way as we have a lot many days in hand

  69. Ankit ahuja on

    Hi dheeraj,we are conform to travel on 11th from delhi,please suggest how could we do both places,we have 10days in total,we can take any route,please suggest.

    • So Ankit, you can only make a plan for Spiti Valley and Kinnaur Valley in such a case as roads to Ladakh will not be open. You can plan as below:

      Day 1 | Delhi – Narkanda
      Day 2 | Narkanda – Rakcham/Sangla
      Day 3 | Rest day in Sangla, visit Chitkul in day time.
      Day 4 | Rakcham/Sangla- Nako – Geyu Mummy – Tabo
      Day 5 | Tabo – Dhangkar – Dhangkar Lake – Pin Valley – Kaza
      — For stay check Sakya Abode or snow lion are two good options at Kaza apart from PWD Guest houses. Get in touch with Tsering, the guy who runs it. He is a very good friend of mine and you can refer my name or DoW to him. Read more about Sakya Abode at: Sakya Abode Kaza – An Enriching Experience in Spiti Valley
      Day 6 | Kaza Rest and Local Sightseeing
      — Ki, Kibber, Gette, Tashigang
      Day 7 | Kaza – Hikkim, Komik, Langza circuit – Kaza, may be in the second half go towards Kunzum Pass or till where the road is open towards it.
      Day 8 | Kaza – Tabo – Nako – Kalpa
      Day 9 | Kalpa – Narkanda
      Day 10 | Narkanda – Delhi

  70. Ankit ahuja on

    Hi please advise as we are planning a trip to kaza on 11th may from delhi and further to leh from shimla route on bike would it be possible at this time of month

  71. Rochit banthia on

    Hello sir,
    I am planning to visit Spiti valley in second week of may. Can I find snow along the road?

    • Rochit, if you travel beyond Kaza towards Kunzum Pass, you will surely find snow around roads in May. This could be a day trip from KAza towards Kunzum Pass to get a feel of tons of snow.

  72. aanchal tyagi on

    Hi dHEERAJ,

    I would like to ask about the route to Kaza. I’m planning to go Spiti on 9th May Night and will come to Delhi on 14th May (NIght). Could you Please let me know about the Route, what should I take to reach there and come back, Is Rohtang route is open?
    I’m planning to hire a Car “Polo”, would it be fine? Please suggest.

    • Aanchal, Manali – KAza route is not open and to travel from Shimla – Kinnaur route, it takes 3 days just to reach Spiti and three days to come back. You only have 6 days in hand, so you may not be seeing anything in Spiti but just be on road. Are you sure you want to do it?

  73. Blaire Rieger on

    Hi dheeraj.

    Which is the best travel route for August? And how many days would we require to complete a trip?

    Thank you for a great blog.

    • Blaire, no route is best for August as it is monsoon time and hence, both Kinnaur route and Manali route will offer hassles of monsoons and rains. However, in comparison, route from Manali to Kaza is better as Kinnaur is quite bad & fragile in rains.

  74. Vikas Goyal on

    Hi Dheeraj

    Its a awesome post and its great to see how you are replying to all the comments/queries. Thanks !

    I am planing a solo bike ride from 16-26 May 2017 for Chandigarh-manali-chandratal-Kaza-shimla-chandigarh. My dates are not flexible.

    My queries are:
    1. Can i hope rohtang and kunzum to be open enough for a bike… ?
    2. I would also like to go to chandratal ….. will it be possible to manage some accomodation in batal and ride upto chandratal and trek the last few kms…. ??
    3. If this trip is totally impossible according to your experience, can you please suggest some other route in remote himalayas for the dates….

    Thanks a lot !


    • Thanks Vikas, glad it is helpful.

      It is unlikely that Manali – Kaza road will open by that time of the year. Chandratal road will not be open for sure. Best is to take the trip from Shimla – Kinnaur – Kaza side and hope for Manali – Kaza opens by the time you finish the tour of Spiti else come back the same way exploring Kinnaur.

  75. Amjad Khan on

    Hi Dheeraj

    I was planning to do Spiti trip end April through bus Shimla side. All tickets are already in order. But then just had a crazy idea today. How bout travelling in Chevrolet spark all the way to Kaza and it’s surrounds. Would you recommend it ? We have 9 days in hand ex- Delhi. Thanks.

    • Well, I have been to Spiti in all sought of vehicles including my sedan as well. So, it is surely possible. Please get in touch with some hotel in Kaza or Tabo to confirm if the road has been opened or not. It will surely take a beating in Kinnaur but it is manageable unless you love your car very much.

  76. Rutik Shah on

    Hiiii sir…..well I am planning to visit spiti n doing a solo trip in the month of November will it be a good time to visit? N also I know to drive car but I don’t want to take risk by driving alone. N next thing is that I don’t know how to ride a bike.can you help me in travelling ?

    • Rutik, by November it gets pretty cold in Spiti Valley. It is possible to travel but I am not sure how much cold sensitive you are. It will be dry and cold in November in Spiti.

  77. Dear Dhiraj,

    I am planning to travel to Spiti via Shimla starting 8th May with 2 young children (5 and 9). Would we find good hotels on the way? Please share names of the best hotels at various locations.

  78. Sanjay Kumar Solanki on

    We are planning to visit Spiti valley in the month of June. From 13th to 18th and places we would like to stay in order are Raksham, Tabo, Kaza, Rohtang. I just want to know is this route possible for us in June and we will be driving Tata Zest and Swift..? Please guide us… Thanks

    • You are planning a very hectic trip in just 6 days. Also, the road from Manali – Rohtang Pass – Kaza will not be open by that time of the year or would have just opened. Better plan it towards the end of the June. Also, hatches and sedans very much struggle on Manali – Rohtang Pass – Kaza road.

  79. Hi Dheeraj. Great to see that you are replying to all the queries very promptly. Really appreciate.
    I am Lalit from Bhopal. We are a family of 3 adults.
    Keeping in view the dates of opening of Kunzum pass I have booked my flights from 15th July to 26th July for a full circuit trip to Spiti valley from Shimla to Manali.

    But now I am very anxious as lot of websites are saying this time time would be a rainy season.

    I need your advise should I change my dates from 24th June to 5th July or should I stick to the original plan.

    • Hey Lalit,

      Mostly the monsoons are delayed nowadays and July is still a good time to travel to Spiti Valley, IMO. Rather if you look at last few years, June end there are some rains always. Also, once you are in Spiti, you are in rain shadow region and it does not rain much up there.

      You can check a very balanced and most common itinerary for Spiti Valley followed by many travellers including me at the link here for 10-11 days: Most Common Itinerary for Spiti Valley.

  80. Sir please tell me if i can complete the whole circuit from shimla side to manali by my swift car or not in the mid i require any permit.

    • No permit is required if you traveling from Shimla side. Chandratal road may not be open by 15th June, so better that you plan the trip up to Kaza in your car and then take a taxi beyond Kunzum Pass and trek to Chandratal and be back in that taxi.

  81. Nithin ramba on

    I’m very much confused to travel spiti in this month…. They are many questions in my mind ! How ? , Which way ?, Where to stay ? , How can I get busses to cover this entire valley ? And much more ….
    Plz help me with this deeraj sir ! We are not able to plan this area …

    • Nithin, you mean traveling in the month of April? You cannot do the entire circuit in this month. You have to go from Shimla side and come back the same road.