When monsoon arrives in North India in August, the queries on making a trip to Ladakh in monsoons also increase on my blog. In today’s article, I will outline some basic tips which will help you make your trip to Ladakh in monsoons, somewhat comforting.

Video – Can I visit Ladakh in August or Monsoon?

The article will help you make a wise decision about if you should travel to Ladakh in August or monsoons.

Ladakh – A Rain Shadow Region

Well, you must know that Ladakh falls under trans-Himalayas which is a rain shadow region. What it means is that the rains do not reach up to Ladakh in plenty because of the range of mountains protecting it from winds bearing the rains.

However, the definition of the rain shadow region about Ladakh is changing now with the change in climate in the past few years. Nowadays, Ladakh has started getting rains as well or at least overcast conditions with drizzles every now and then are common in Ladakh in August.

So, be ready for surprises even in the rain shadow region of Ladakh though they may not be much unless you have terrible luck as I had in ugly flash floods of 2010. I do feel lucky and indebted to God’s grace for being alive 🙂 🙂 …

Planning a Trip to Ladakh in Monsoons?

I have already written about the best time to travel to Ladakh. In this article, I will introduce some important tips which will help all those of you who want to make use of the maximum holidays in August month.

It will help you in order to make a long trip to Ladakh in monsoons. These tips will help you mitigate few risks to an extent and minimize the impact of few which may occur when you are up there in Ladakh in monsoons.

So, let’s begin…

Tips for traveling to Ladakh in Monsoons
Tips for traveling to Ladakh in Monsoons

Download your FREE high-resolution version pdf copy of this infographic guide to learn these tips for a self-drive trip to Ladakh. If you liked it and found it helpful, please feel free to share it with your family and friends to help them too.

1. Be prepared for monsoon hassles in lower hills

August is peak monsoon time in general up in North India. At some parts of Manali – Leh Highway like before Baralacha La pass) you will surely face monsoon hassles until you reach around Sarchu. The Baralacha La mainly marks the boundary of the rain shadow region from the Manali side.

Similarly, Srinagar – Leh Highway will be in mess before Drass and Kargil belts. You will face monsoon rains and slush especially till the moment you cross Zojila pass from Srinagar side. Beware, with rains Zojila Pass will be a nightmare.

But once you start getting closer to Leh Ladakh, then being a rain shadow region, it is less affected by monsoon rains. Please note that, when traveling to Leh Ladakh in August, the landslides or roadblocks will be quite common in the lower hills due to heavy rains.

Especially the route on troublesome between Manali to Keylong, around Darcha, sections of Jammu to Srinagar and Sonamarg to Zojila Pass. Even reaching Manali from Delhi becomes a challenge where many sections of roads are washed away by swollen rivers near Mandi – Pandoh area.

Beautiful and refreshing weather in lower hills when it rains in Himachal
Beautiful and refreshing weather in lower hills when it rains in Himachal

2. Be prepared for driving in slush on roads in Ladakh in Monsoons

There will be mud on the roads, especially from Rohtang Pass to Gramphu, some sections towards Keylong, near Darcha on Manali Leh Highway. Similarly, there will be mud and around Zojila Pass on Srinagar Leh Highway. You must be prepared, drive with extra care in slush and do know the whereabouts of the engine chamber of your car if self-driving.

There could be stones hidden below in slush which can damage your engine sump/chamber, leaving you stranded in the middle of nowhere. DO NOT push through too much in case you get stuck, try the back-n-forth tactic to come out or use push or wooden plank/rubber mat. Otherwise, you may end up with burned clutch plates.

Do learn some tips and tricks about driving in slush and do not forget to carry must-have essentials when self-driving to Ladakh.

3. Be prepared for tackling furious water crossings

When you travel to Ladakh in monsoons, you will notice that most rivers will be flowing in spate and so does the water crossings on Manali Leh Highway.

Many of the water crossings have been passed through using pipes or making bridges on Manali – Leh Highway by BRO. However, some of the water crossings are still troublesome on Manali Leh Highway, especially between Jispa – Zingzing Bar – Sarchu. 

If you reach late at such water crossings in the day, they may become the reason for spending a night in the middle of nowhere OR puncturing your engine sump while crossing it.

If riding a motorcycle, gumboots will help you dodge overflowing water crossings and help you keep your other boots dry to ride further. Do carry a pair of them, they don’t cost much.

Gushing water crossing on Manali - Leh Highway in Monsoons
Gushing water crossing on Manali – Leh Highway in Monsoons

4. Be alert for shooting stones

When you travel in a monsoon in the hills, the landslides are common and so does the shooting stones. When driving or riding or even sitting in the car, you must always be alert. Watch out to see over a shooting stone from the side of the mountains. Hence, be a vigilant driver and passenger when traveling to Ladakh in August or monsoons.

Be meticulous on stretches that have loose gravel or mud, like the ones you can spot between Khardung village to Hunder in Nubra Valley. Such, stretches are more common for shooting stones. Even a small stone can pierce through the windshield, and your trip will be screwed. So be alert and keep a watch on the movement when traversing such mountains which are vulnerable to shooting stones.

5. Carry water-resistant clothes and boots

Always carry a rain cut jacket, waterproof shoes or sandals at least along with a water repellant lower or lower with quick-dry material. Carrying such a jacket will help you in many ways when there is rain. It may end up saving your electronic equipment too.

So, do not forget to carry these at the very least. As said in the article before, gumboots are always handy for people riding bikes and tackling water crossings which are in spate in August. You may refer some tips on carrying clothes to Ladakh.

6. Carry tarpaulins & few waterproof bags

Apart from the rainproof clothing, carrying small tarpaulins or waterproof bags which will protect your clothes, luggage, or electronic gear if the need arises. It will also help you protect your luggage which you may plan to put on top of your car.

It is one of the cheap yet effective essential equipment for a trip to Ladakh in monsoons.

An overcast day at Pang
An overcast day at Pang

7. Carry an extra pair of car windshield wipers

Well, though this looks to be too much, believe me when I say that I have seen people getting stuck just because they did not have the pair of wipers for their cars.

It can be an unlucky day for those but if you have an old car which you are taking up there to Ladakh in August, do prefer to carry an extra pair of wipers. If the currently installed wipers on your car break and you cannot find a pair for your car, you can’t drive in blind conditions even in lower hills.

Hence, do not risk your entire trip over a simple thing as wipers. 

8. Always leave early in the day

As always in the Himalayas, “Sleep Early and Leave Early” shall be the mantra of your entire trip. It becomes more important in the rainy season as you are already expecting delays due to landslides, roadblocks, slow speed of cars in rain.

So, always try to follow this principle as it will allow you to give extra time on your day trip. It will also help you cross the water crossings when water is less in the early hours of the day. So, a straightforward but vital tip when making a Ladakh trip in monsoons.

9. Always have a couple of buffer days

It is not at all wise to run from point A to point B in all sought of tensions of missing the flight or train if you can’t make it. After all, you planned this trip to Ladakh, not to sprint or worry about the next things on the cards.

You should expect rains in monsoons, which may delay your daily plans or make you stuck behind a landslide for a day or two sometimes. If you are running on a neck to neck schedule, well, delay of one day somewhere will trigger tensions in mind, which will not help you enjoy the sightseeing in Ladakh or the journey. You will continuously keep worrying about missing a flight or train.

So, always better to plan your trip with a couple of buffer days when traveling in monsoons.

A road full of slush to Rohtang Pass
A road full of slush to Rohtang Pass

10. Protect your camera from moisture

Needless to say, it is monsoon time rain and moisture will be all around you when traveling. Please ensure that you protect your camera and other gears so that it does not expose to moisture or water.

Also, if you use CPLs on lenses, make sure you are making the right use of it in the right light conditions. On an overcast or rainy day, CPLs may not make much sense, depending on what you are shooting. I am just mentioning because I have ruined many times many pictures just because I forgot to take it off in those light conditions 🙂 🙂 …

Though I am just a newbie, pros do take care of it, I am sure.

Video – Tips for Ladakh Trip in August

Don’t have time to read the full article? Check this 3-minute video on Discover With Dheeraj YouTube Channel on these essential tips for planning a Ladakh trip in monsoon time. If you like my video, please do not forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel.

Video – 10 Tips for traveling to Leh – Ladakh in August or Monsoon


I hope the above tips may help you make a successful trip to Ladakh in monsoons. If you have any other tips to share or experience of monsoon trip to Ladakh, I will be glad to hear them in the comments section or DwD Community.

Have a travel question?? You can subscribe to my YouTube channel and leave a comment to ask your travel questions about traveling to the Himalayas.

Feel free to share this article with your friends or family who you know will be going on a trip to Ladakh in monsoons soon.


I am Dheeraj Sharma - a traveler, techie, and Himalayan lover. Since 2009, I have been helping thousands of travelers every year plan memorable & budget-friendly trips to the Himalayas - Smartly, Safely, and responsibly.


  1. Comments section gets closed in 90 days. To ask your travel questions, you can follow my YouTube Channel for a faster reply or for a much slower reply follow me on Instagram. :)

  2. somnath banerjee on

    hi dheeraj
    I received lots of valuable tips from ur side in my last kinnaur trip last may, now we have a plan for ladakh trip in first week aug 17. reaching leh by air and ending @srinagar. covering leh-nubra-pangong-moriri-leh-kargil-srinagar. in 8 days. ur expert advice for the following
    1. chance of rain in those areas
    2. mobile network
    3. ams
    4. condition of srinagar (our return rout)

    thanks in advanve

    • Hello Somnath,

      1. Above article describe rain topic in details
      2. Please refer: 10 Tips on Mobile Phone Connectivity in Leh – Ladakh
      3. Do first few days as per below:

      Day 1 | Delhi – Leh (By Flight)
      — Checkin at Hotel. Many hotels provide free pick and drop from Airport. Ask while you book them.
      — Take ample of rest as well as water or anything that keep your body hydrated enough. DO NOT OVER HYDRATE. Take ORS Soluted water or ORS – L tetra packs from home.
      — Do not over exert your body at any cost. Avoid too much up-down on stairs or avoid it in entirety, if possible.
      — After 5-6 Hrs of rest you can visit Leh Palace, Local Leh market, Shankar Gompa .
      — If you feel exerted go back to Hotel, have dinner at Hotel and take rest. Avoid any exertion. Else continue and,
      — Follow the sunset by stroll at Changspa road and have a nice dinner on varied cuisines offered in-around Changspa road.
      — Go back to hotel for overnight stay at Leh.
      Day 2 | Leh Local Sightseeing + Acclimatization
      — Hire a taxi from Leh taxi stand or Hotel whichever suits you.
      — Bargain hard with taxi driver. Book that single taxi for entire trip after explaining the complete plan.
      — Take his inputs if you feel reasonable and if required modify the plan accordingly but should suits you best.
      — Ask him to be with you guys starting first day itself, if required and charged reasonable else do it at your own.
      — Again DO NOT over exert and take little steps and slow walks only.
      — If feeling OK then do Local sightseeing. To know the about the places to visit check the link: Travel Guide for Local Sightseeing of Leh Town in Ladakh
      — Do not use stairs at any of these places just to see them as it will exert your body much more.
      — Overnight at Leh
      Day 3 | Leh – Khardung La – Diskit – Hunder
      — Head for Nubra Valley and stay overnight at Hunder / Diskit
      — On the way enjoy a cup of soup at Highest Motorable Pass (as claimed) Khardung La
      — Diskit has monasteries with tallest lord Buddha statue and Hunder has sand dunes and bacterian camel safari

      Day 4 | Hunder / Diskit – Sumur – Panamik – Sumur – Khardung La – Leh
      — Sumur has a famous monastery to check out and Panamik has hot water springs
      — Overnight at Leh

  3. Hi dheeraj,
    Me and 8 of my friends are planning a trip to leh-ladakh on July first week.We are planning to rent 2 bikes and one car from Delhi and go to Leh via Manali and return via Srinagar to Delhi.We are planning a 14 day trip.What routes do u recommend or suggest?Can you suggest me an itinerary on the places I need to visit during tne travel.Is it going to be Cold during July time,do we need to carry proper woollen clothes?

    • You can check a very balanced and most common itinerary for Leh – Ladakh followed by many travellers including me at the link here for 13-14 days: Most Common Itinerary for Leh – Ladakh.

      Bikes rented outside Leh are not allowed for sightseeing inside Ladakh except Tso Moriri and Tso Kar lakes which can be done while going to Manali from Leh. Private bikes are completely allowed. You can use the outside rented bike to reach Leh but then for going to Pangong Tso, nubra Valley, etc.. you need to hire rented bikes from Leh only.

      To know more about this rule and present situation, please refer the link: Bikes Rented Outside Leh Banned in Ladakh

      This year as per reports, rule is going to be stricter. Manali rental guys have formalized a deal that for the days Manali bike is parked in Leh and Leh bike is rented, they will charge 50% of the rent of the bike. So, confirm with Manali rental guys first about this signoff.

      For renting bikes in Leh – Ladakh along with current Bike Union Prices, you can check the DwD Community thread: Leh – Ladakh Bike Rental Rates 2016 – 17 & Rental Shops

  4. Hi Dheeraj,

    Thank you for the very helpful article. We are two people hoping to travel to Ladakh via Manali from Jaipur but are concerned about getting there due to the rains. What would you recommend in terms of transportation? A direct bus (Volvo) is available from Jaipur to Manali but some people have advised us against going since the roads may be washed out this season and so to be on a bus for 22 hour may be a bad idea. What is your opinion? 

    Also, to get home we are supposed to be taking a train on August 26 from Jammu Tawi back to our home in Sikkim. We are thinking that we may have to go an alternate way as to avoid that area. Is it possible to get on the train at a later stop?

    Any advice is sincerely appreciated.

    • Hmm, 22 Hrs bus journey to me is always a bad idea unless you are not used to it. It would be much better to start the trip from Delhi to split the long journey so that you can enjoy in Manali once you reach there to an extent. Do not use any private volvos and book only GOVT HPTDC or HRTC volvos. Regarding rains, it is better to check the site yr.no to see forecast before a week of the trip in its long term forecast section for Manali.

      For situation in Srinagar, the account of an individual member of DwD Community who got himself out from Srinagar a few days back and shared his suggestions: https://discoverwithdheeraj.com/india/travel-news-updates/topic4531-10.html#p35618

      For me safety always comes first but so better avoid the route incase the unrest still persist in the valley and come back from Manali only.

  5. Hi, we a group of 8 people on a bike trip from Srinagar – Leh – Manali – Jammu…I want to know midst of recent unrest in Srinagar shall we go ahead with our plan or not. We already have booked our flight and bikes so any change in plan can seriously hurt our pockets.Since the curfew has been removed is it safe to continue to what we are upto? Please give your wise decision.

    • Please keep a tab on situation for next couple of weeks and then take a call. If things are smooth it should be OK else I will suggest to avoid it and go by Manali – Leh route.

  6. Hi,
    I want to travel to Leh (via Air) from 26 aug to 01 sep 16, along with my spouse , mom and baby (2.2 yrs) – Is it safe travelling with baby? He does not have any established illness. We had been to Manali via Car and he was fine. What precaution should we take? Please reply ASAP and if possible on below email id.
    Thanks alot.

    • Hi Arun,

      It depends on person to person to take the children of such age group because AMS do not matter with respect to age or sex or any fitness level. It can happen to anyone of any age or sex or fitness I shall say :D… The issue with children is that they tend to exert the body considering it the same kind of place they belong to and this elevates the chances of getting struck with AMS. Secondly, they are not much expressive about their uneasy feelings, so it is parents who need to watch out and take care that the child is not suffering from uneasy feelings, headache or nausea and is behaving properly. With less than 4 year child, I think he/she will also be NOT able to convey the uneasiness she may feel. You have to be vigilant and if you notice any such feeling or he/she tells you about such a feeling then please do not ascend anywhere, either descend to lower altitude or stay at the same place to watch things overnight and if symptom increase then start descending immediately. Same is applicable for any adult as well. And yes, do keep the body adequately hydrated!!

      Also, PLEASE read the article: Traveling to Ladakh with Kids or Babies. This article covers this topic in complete detail.

      With just 6 days in hand, you can follow the below plan:

      Day 1 | Delhi – Leh (By Flight)
      — Checkin at Hotel. Many hotels provide free pick and drop from Airport. Ask while you book them.
      — Take ample of rest as well as water or anything that keep your body hydrated enough. DO NOT OVER HYDRATE. Take ORS Soluted water or ORS – L tetra packs from home.
      — Do not over exert your body at any cost. Avoid too much up-down on stairs or avoid it in entirety, if possible.
      — After 5-6 Hrs of rest you can visit Leh Palace, Local Leh market, Shankar Gompa .
      — If you feel exerted go back to Hotel, have dinner at Hotel and take rest. Avoid any exertion. Else continue and,
      — Follow the sunset by stroll at Changspa road and have a nice dinner on varied cuisines offered in-around Changspa road.
      — Go back to hotel for overnight stay at Leh.
      Day 2 | Leh Local Sighseeing + Acclimatization
      — Hire a taxi from Leh taxi stand or Hotel whichever suits you.
      — Bargain hard with taxi driver. Book that single taxi for entire trip after explaining the complete plan.
      — Take his inputs if you feel reasonable and if required modify the plan accordingly but should suits you best.
      — Ask him to be with you guys starting first day itself, if required and charged reasonable else do it at your own.
      — Again DO NOT over exert and take little steps and slow walks only.
      — If feeling OK then do Local sightseeing. To know the about the places to visit check the link: Travel Guide for Local Sightseeing of Leh Town in Ladakh
      — Do not use stairs at any of these places just to see them as it will exert your body much more.
      — Overnight at Leh
      Day 3 | Leh – Khardung La – Diskit – Hunder
      — Head for Nubra Valley and stay overnight at Hunder / Diskit
      — On the way enjoy a cup of soup at Highest Motorable Pass (as claimed) Khardung La
      — Diskit has monasteries with tallest lord Buddha statue and Hunder has sand dunes and bacterian camel safari
      Day 4 | Hunder / Diskit – Sumur – Panamik – Sumur – Khardung La – Leh
      — Sumur has a famous monastery to check out and Panamik has hot water springs
      — Overnight at Leh
      Day 5 | Leh – Hemis Monastery – Pangong Tso Lake
      — Cover either of Hemis, Thicksey and Shey on the go towards Pangong Tso
      — Overnight at Pangong Tso (Spangmik or Lukung)
      Day 6 | Pangong Tso Lake – Thicksey Monastery – Shey Palace – Leh
      — Cover either of Hemis, Thicksey and Shey on return to Leh
      — Overnight at Leh

  7. Hello Dheeraj,

    We are 2 persons planning our so wanted Leh/Ladakh road trip as follows, Delhi-Srinagar-Leh-Manali- Delhi.

    We will start the trip on 31st July and planning to come back by 11th August, 2016. I read about the curfew in Sir Nagar, will be it safe to use Sri Nagar road by that time? i read the above comments though but we are starting beginning of August and there will be only 2 of us.

    In case, we decide to drive through Manali, what are the interesting places to see on the way?

    Your suggestions would be really welcomed and appreciated :). Thanks in advance for your kind help.


  8. hi Dheeraj,
    im planing to leave alone from Delhi on a SUV, to leh from manali side and driving back from srinagar side. I’ll be leaving this Tuesday i.e.19 july 16. just want to ask– is it safe in terms of quality of roads ?? and any special instruction?? or essential things- must have s??

    • Manu, the roads are OK, much better than last year on Manali – Leh Highway BUT, coming back from Srinagar side, please take care and only come if the unrest in the valley is eased out.

  9. Hi dheeraj,
    Is there any chance where we can find snow valley apart from khardungla pass. We will be visiting on 18th july.

  10. Hi Dheeraj,

    I have to leave for Leh on friday 15th july, my plan was to go via srinagar and come back via manali.
    As the condition of srinagar is not good, however the amarnath yatra has been started as per today’s news. Also if I go via manali I have to face heavy rains.

    Please suggest what would be better.


    • I will suggest to have a word with some hotel guy in Srinagar and then take a call to go from Manali side. These things are dependent from person to person judgement call and what a person feels is OK to him or her given the circumstances. So, best is to talk to a local hotel guy in Srinagar and confirm about the ground situation in tourist places and Srinagar – Leh route. Having being stuck in riots/curfews myself at times, my personal suggestion will be to avoid unless unrest is over and take the Manali route.

      • Hi Dheeraj,

        We are planning to reach Manali on 15th and then will be off to Leh on 16th via tempo traveller vehicle. How safe is it between Manali and Leh during rains? Have there been incidents in the past due to landslides?


        • Anon, most of the things are ansewered in article above. Manali to Keylong/Jispa, you may need to face rains and challenges posed by it. Rest once you corss over Baralacha La, you should be OK in rain shadow region.


      Recently (july 17-31, 2016) we visited Jammu-Srinagar-Leh return via Manali-Keylong.

      Yes you can go via Manali-kaylong route. HImachal Roadways run a bus daily. from Kaylong to Leh is more than 12 hours travel. If rain in middle, some difficulty may be there. Also I understood that side not much heavy rain local people say. but you will not find any civilization or any vegetation etc. Every 100-150 km you will find small tent tea shop where you get something at higher rate. Chips here cost you 20 Rs. there it will cost Rs.30. Cool drink Rs10-15 extra. Desert Hill area. Some where, dangerous terrain. But you will see so many vehicle going/coming including Oil Tankers Srinagar route also not good now. . But you will enjoy the thrilling. Really Adventure.

  11. Vishal Kansal on

    Hii Dheeraj

    We request you to suggest us a detailed itinerary for our trip starting at 03 Sep 2016, 8 AM from SriNagar Airport and ending at 11 Sep 2016 6 PM in Manali. We have read your blog entirely but still confused about what to take and what to leave. Following points may be considered before suggesting us the plan:

    1. We are a group of six person, age 30, fit body, all males from Shimla
    2. None of us suffers from vomiting etc. during travel to higher mountains in Kinaaur, Chamba etc.
    3. We have completed arduous Gangotri- Gaumukh trek (18 km each way) in a single day.
    4. We are comfortable with sub zero temperature.
    5. We wish to enjoy both SUVs & bike riding during the trip.
    6. Our budget Rs. 2,40,000/- for all (negotiable up & down)
    7. Do not wish to see srinagar local.
    8. Wish to see all places enroute to leh via Kargil, at Leh itself, Nubra valley , Pangong Tso & Tso moriri, Sarchu & Keylong with camping at various places, local food etc.
    9. We are not rigid in our plan except the arrival & departure time on 3rd & 11th of Sep 2016

    Suggest us the best plan

    Waiting for an early reply

    • Vishal you can follow the plan as below:

      Day 1 | Srinagar – Sonamarg – Zozi La – Drass – Kargil
      — Enjoy the vistas enroute
      — Have late drunch meal at Drass is you are a vegetarian as sometimes it gets difficult to find veg. food at Kargil
      — Overnight at Kargil

      Day 2 | Kargil – Lamayuru – Leh
      — Cover Mulbekh Maitrey, Lamayuru Moanstery, Lunar Landscapes
      — On the way you can also see Gurudwara Pather Sahib, Magnetic Hills, Confluence at Nimmu
      — Sham Valley include Alchi, Likir, Basgo Palace, Magnetic Hills, Confluence at Nimmu, , Gurudwara Pather Sahib
      — Overnight at Leh

      Day 3 | Leh Local Sightseeing + Acclimatization
      — To know the about the places to visit check the link: Travel Guide for Local Sightseeing of Leh Town in Ladakh
      — Overnight at Leh

      Day 4 | Leh – Khardung La – Diskit – Hunder
      — Head for Nubra Valley and stay overnight at Hunder / Diskit
      — On the way enjoy a cup of soup at Highest Motorable Pass (as claimed) Khardung La
      — Diskit has monasteries with tallest lord Buddha statue and Hunder has sand dunes and bacterian camel safari

      Day 5 | Hunder / Diskit – Sumur – Panamik – Sumur – Khardung La – Leh
      — Sumur has a famous monastery to check out and Panamik has hot water springs
      — Overnight at Leh

      Day 6 | Leh – Hemis Monastery – Pangong Tso Lake
      — Cover either of Hemis, Thicksey and Shey on the go towards Pangong Tso
      — Overnight at Pangong Tso (Spangmik or Lukung)

      Day 7 | Pangong Tso Lake – Thicksey Monastery – Shey Palace – Leh
      — Cover either of Hemis, Thicksey and Shey on return to Leh
      — Overnight at Leh

      Day 8 | Leh – Taglang La – Moore Plains – Pang – Sarchu
      — Stay overnight at Sarchu

      Day 9 | Sarchu – Baralacha La – Keylong – Rohtang Pass – Manali
      — On the way cover Suraj Tal, Deepak Tal which are on the road sides only
      — Overnight at Manali

  12. Hi Dheeraj Ji,

    I have read most your posts but just wanted to get a confirmation from you. 🙂
    We (group of 7 members) planned for Manali – Leh – Manali trip from 5th – 15th August by road.

    1. I was wondering if you can help with sample itinerary for the same. [ we do have made one, but wanted to get it from someone who is more experienced than us] 🙂
    2. Also wanted to know how the weather would be like during that time : (Too much rain or just cloudy)? [ my Major Concern].
    3. I don;t think we need any kind of inner permits for (Nubra, Pangong) OR in Manali – Leh highway ?
    4. Does bikes rented at Manali are allowed in Leh or for further journey ?
    5. I have read over the search that we need to carry oxygen cylinder, is it the BIG one OR we can just do normal by the sprays/inhalers available at the cost of 300-400/- [if bigger one then can we get it on rent from Manali] ?
    6. How much extra fuel approx. we need to carry from Manali? [assuming 4 bikes – RE 350]
    7. Seeking for any kind of an extra advice during the journey.

    Thanks in Advance, hoping for your response.

    • Hello Dheeraj,
      Hope you got a chance to review my queries, awaiting response.
      Thank you in advance 🙂

    • Hi Ravi,

      I have read most your posts but just wanted to get a confirmation from you.
      We (group of 7 members) planned for Manali – Leh – Manali trip from 5th – 15th August by road.

      1. Please refer below
      2. You can read the article above
      3. You need permit to cross Rohtang Pass from Manali side. Rest no permits needed
      4. No, you need to hire local rented Leh bikes to do sightseeing in Ladakh
      5. Small canisters do no good at all. If you are carrying a bigger cyclinder that lasts around 4-5 Hrs at least
      6. Make sure to carry around 10-15 Ltrs at the very least. Do not miss any fuel pump.

      Here is the plan for 11 days on hand:

      Day 1 | Delhi – Manali/Solang Valley
      — Better stay at Solang Valley and avoid Manali as sleeping at Solang Valley does help in acclimatization
      — If going by own car, get the permit made in advance to drive on Manali – Rohtang Pass road through hotel/travel agent in Manali
      — Overnight at Manali/Solang Valley

      Day 2 | Manali/Solang Valley – Keylong/Jispa
      — It is always better to stay either at Keylong/Jispa so that you do not feel sick or hit by AMS.
      — Avoid sleeping at Sarchu at any cost while going to Leh from Manali because your body will not be acclimatized by the time you reach there.
      — I prefer staying at Jispa more because Keylong gives the feeling of a town while Jispa is more closer to nature having Bhaga river running just aside the Manali – Leh Highway at Jispa.
      — Overnight at Keylong/Jispa

      Day 3 | Keylong/Jispa – Leh
      — Leave Keylong/Jispa early next morning, say by 4/5 AM types, so that you reach Leh in the evening.
      — Overnight at Leh

      Day 4 | Leh Local Sightseeing + Acclimatization
      — To know the about the places to visit check the link: Travel Guide for Local Sightseeing of Leh Town in Ladakh
      — Overnight at Leh

      Day 5 | Leh – Khardung La – Diskit – Hunder
      — Head for Nubra Valley and stay overnight at Hunder / Diskit
      — On the way enjoy a cup of soup at Highest Motorable Pass (as claimed) Khardung La
      — Diskit has monasteries with tallest lord Buddha statue and Hunder has sand dunes and bacterian camel safari

      Day 6 | Hunder / Diskit – Sumur – Panamik – Sumur – Khardung La – Leh
      — Sumur has a famous monastery to check out and Panamik has hot water springs
      — Overnight at Leh

      Day 7 | Hunder / Diskit – Sumur – Panamik – Sumur – Khardung La – Leh
      — Sumur has a famous monastery to check out and Panamik has hot water springs
      — Overnight at Leh

      Day 8 | Leh – Pangong Tso Lake – Leh
      — Day trip to Pangong Tso
      — Overnight at Leh

      Day 9 | Leh – Taglang La – Pang – Sarchu
      — Try to start early in the day so that you reach Sarchu where the accommodation options are better than Pang
      — Overnight at Sarchu or Pang

      Day 10 | Sarchu – Baralacha La – Keylong – Rohtang Pass – Manali
      — On the way cover Suraj Tal, Deepak Tal which are on the road sides only
      — Overnight at Manali

      Day 11 | Manali – Delhi

      • Thank you so much for your response. 🙂
        This is really gonna help us for the entire trip.

  13. Anjas Abdul Vaheed on

    What about the travel during Aug 18 – 27… Does monsoon is heavy during this period ?

  14. Hi Dheeraj,
    we are four people planning to visit leh from srinagar leh highway on 14th August. We will be taking taxi from srinagar to leh wit night stay at kargil. Can we hire bike for local sight seeing ,nubra valley,khardungla,pangong Tsa from leh? whether we should pre book our taxi from srinagar to leh?what will be an approximate fare?


  15. Vivek Upman on

    Hi Dheeraj,

    I have trek to stok kangri from 23rd July to 31st July. Now I am planning to extend my stay by atleast 5 days to travel around. I prefer local transport. With your information I may not have bus for pangong and moriri, on my travel dates. However accordingly I may get a shared cab. Are the cabs/ Shared cab avail next morning ? I believe they return the same day.
    Also can you please name budget homestays which you may recommend in leh.
    Thanks a lot for the very valuable and insightful information. Indeed is poring.


    Vivek Upman

  16. Amit Arora on

    Hi Dheeraj

    I am taking my bike (pulsar 180) to ladakh from srinagar route.

    Please suggest if it’s fine to take this make to leh.

    Also, my main concern is that my bike is registered on my real brother’s name.

    I know that i will have to carry a NOC and a relationship proof or address proof of the registered owner.

    But I am concerned how exactly do I get a NOC, is it a normal handwritten letter or is it some legal document.

    Please suggest


  17. Rajan Dhawan on

    Hi Dheeraj,
    I am from Firozpur Punjab. I am planning to go to Ladakh by my own maruti swift Dzire. We are four in numbers 2 males and our wives. We are planning to go in last week of august or 1st week of sept.. We have 5 days and could be stretched to 7 days. Your opinion?
    Thanks you in advance!! 🙂

    • Rajan, It will take 4 days to reach Leh from Srinagar side starting from Delhi and 3 days to come back from Leh from Manali side to Delhi. This makes it 7 days. Are you sure you want to make this trip?

      • Rajan Dhawan on

        Thanks Dheeraj for your quick revert.. 🙂
        We have postponed it right now and will plan in September so that we have enough time to enjoy the tour..
        Thank you!

  18. Rohit Arora on

    Hey Dheeraj,

    We are 2 riders planning the trip from Delhi-Srinagar-Leh-Manali- Delhi.
    We are planning to start the trip on 23rd July and coming back by 3rd August, 2016.
    The rain in Leh region is predicted during that time, just wanted to know if the given days would be sufficient for the trip keeping couple of buffer days as well.

    Any other suggestions for the trip would be welcomed.


    • Hi Rohit,

      It will take 4 days to reach Leh from Srinagar side starting from Delhi with stop overs at Jammu, Srinagar, Kargil and 3 days to come back from Leh from Manali side to Delhi with stopovers at Sarchu, Manali. This makes it 7 days. 1 Day is required in Leh for acclimatization. You have about 12 days. You can make two day trip to Nubra and Pangong Tso each in rest 4 days. So, it seems OK but then you are not left with any buffer days.

        • Prakash Sharma on

          Hi Rohit,

          I am also planning to go Leh on the same day, however, while coming back I am going to Spiti also. I am planning solo, will you mind if we can join together? If yes, my number is +91-9899607073, Prakash Sharma please do let me know.

          Cheers! Prakash

  19. Soundarya on

    Hey there! I’m planning on my first solo backpacking trip to Leh in August, 2016. I’m very confused on how to plan my trip. I have to book for my stay in Leh hotels for a minimum of three nights at least in advance because it’s very expensive otherwise. I’m on a budget and I’ll be in Ladakh for 4-5 days. The places I want to visit are Pangong Tso, Nubra valley, Khardung La. How do you reckon I should plan this trip so I can visit all of these places within a span of 5 days? Also what are the major places to see in Leh, how long should I spend in Leh? Should I book my hotel stay for four nights in Leh it self or just for two nights and spend one night in Pangong? As you can see, I’m very confused. Could you please help me out? Please get back to me asap. Thank you so much!

    • Hello Soundarya,

      If you are making a budget trip, no need to make any bookings. There are plenty of home stays or guesthouses/homestays in Leh within the range of Rs 400-700 per day which you can easily get upon arrival with little search. You are alone/couple and private taxis are very costly in Leh but you will be able to find the shared taxi without much fuss at all. There are lots of flyers which people put at cafes, dine-ins, restaurants, travel agent desks/shops/whiteboards wanting to share the taxis for different trips within Ladakh. Even travel agent organize such shared taxis trip as well but charge a little higher about Rs 200-300 more than it would ideally cost. So, in worst case you can always go back to them and book a seat for yourself. Gelling up with people in Ladakh is more or less easy because many people travel solo and look forward to meet new people and share cultural thoughts and values over the trip. No where else in the world you will find more smiling and helpful people as Ladakhis are 🙂

      Rest to reach Leh from Srinagar, you can either use shared taxi or JKSRTC bus service. For coming back to Manali, HRTC ordinary bus service is also there but HPTDC also offers a deluxe bus for tourists only including stay at Keylong in camps. So, you can opt too.

  20. Bhagwan Das on

    Man I’m going to hitchhike from manali to leh to shrinagar , is there anything to take care of ??

  21. Hi,
    I am Planning to rent a bike from delhi but as you said. rented bike are not allowed to do sightseeing. but what if I can get a NOC for that bike?
    Do we need to carry fuel with US.? and last question is 26aug to 4h sept 2016 is a god time to visit leh by road? 🙂

    • Anshul, they know the business of bike rentals better than we do 🙂 🙂 … So, even if you try to fake an NOC of a rented bike, they in most cases will be able to identify by one means or other. If not, you have a lucky day with unexperienced person. Though by end of August, rains start to ade away but still wise to follow tips mentioned in the article above. Regarding fuel, mostly not needed for usual routes.

  22. Thanks Dheeraj. I am riding my own bike , its kerala registered. Also you know how is the condition of Jammu – Srinagar highway ? Is it raining there now ? Also how long will be the road remain closed ?

  23. Hope to have a safe trip. we are leaving on 5th August from Bangalore and back from Leh on 13th and we have a week. Plan is to explore Himachal Pradesh/Uttarakhand. Hope the monsoon is kind with us.

  24. I am planning to ride bike from Chandigarh to Srinagr and then to leh on next week. Is there any issue like non JK vehicles to enter in Srinagar. And is there any chance for road blocks in Jammu – Srinagar highway due to rain or landslides ?

    Thanks in advance